⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Zhuge Liang

Even with this, he still either needs to be adjusted to Average speed or he a simple but important change:

  1. Keep him as is, but increase his Minions HP to 30%. This makes it so that both his minions and fiends are difficult to get rid of, further it basically guarantees that the minion will be able to counterattack more than once.

I would let the speed at slow.

But to further buff him I would make his minions a mixture of all.

Give them 20% HP, 65% reflect, despell on hit and fire dot on hit.

As he is doing No direct dmg, buff or debuff and minions can be countered in a few ways, that seems interesting and ok for the slow speed

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Rework Zhuge Liang. He was already on the weak side before today’s balance, with people asking for either a buff or make him average speed.

Today, he has been nerfed twice :
_ Family nerf that reduce the amount of hp and mana he gets when he receives a minion.
_ Minion nerf that reduce their HP and the amount of damage from their counterattack.

To “compensate”, his fiends damage has been increased from 65% to 75% (which mean around 5 damage increase, as his fiends were dealing 40-45 damage).

It seems more like a nerf on other Wo3K heroes that affected Zhuge Liang too (like nerfing Liu Bei’s minions but they share the same minions) rather than SGG trying to nerf him.

I only have zhou, the red 4* to pair with zhuge… So… I don’t feel the Nerf as hard as others…

And here this whole time I had been holding out for a buff. This one is a wow moment for me. He wasnt even on that many defenses.

After balance of 2022 September.
I think he becomes a “just O.K.” hero
Hope Kingdom family can be buff again…
Such as increase mana speed to average