⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Leafwhisk

This thread is for discussing whether Leafwhisk is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Leafwhisk. For that, please see: 👺 Leafwhisk - 5* Nature / Green from Goblin Village

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:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think Leafwhisk is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I think Leafwhisk is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
  • I think Leafwhisk is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I’m not sure yet
0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Leafwhisk is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?

  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Leafwhisk ? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Leafwhisk thread.


I really do believe Leafwhisk needs a buff. There is something missing with this hero. Even if it’s a small wither on defense to all enemies as well. Or even 150% damage to all. Maybe immunity for all heroes to resist dispels instead of just him?

Although I do not possess this hero, I would be eager to acquire him. In my opinion, he is a respectable hero with a stronger focus on defense. While I would not employ him for offensive purposes, I would greatly appreciate his presence for defense. I expressed my vote against the notion of enhancing him, as he already appears quite powerful for defense. However, I acknowledge that his effectiveness may vary when deployed for offensive strategies.


I think the beauty of his special is in the defense up. Put a 5* troop on him and I think his mega minion is 1700, his health is 2400 (I’m spitballing) and you boost his health you have someone with 6500 health and potentially 2500 defense in a best case scenario.

But… in a worst case scenario… you spam tiles into him, he goes off once, and then you have all 5 of your mega hitters charged (to potentially include goblin defense down), and then bam, just wipe out the defense. So he is both unbeatable and easily the most exploitable hero on the defense.

I’m sure there is a middle ground somewhere… but for a premium hero from a premium portal… he doesn’t seem to quite have a special that is commensurate with OTHER premium heroes from premium portals.

I think there will be a lot of people who will agree with me that he is a weak hero in both attack and defense. Let me do a test: when attacking, we always have one (or 2) heroes reducing the enemy’s defense. Suppose Leafwhisk’s ally has 1000 defense and after receiving his buff it will become 1355. If the enemy has a special skill minus 34% defense then after using the special skill the number defense will be: 1355 to 895 compared to the original 1000 to 660. So a newly released hero in the goblin family only gives his allies 235 more defense and creates an additional mega minion to protect him. This is too weak and flawed. Let’s compare with another recently released green hero: Relius. See and feel the difference

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I’ve been playing with leaf at around 2.50… paired him with ludwig… And he hits the cap for defense… So pretty much everything after his third special is wasted, except for a refresh of the mega minion. I’m not saying he’s terrible… But that cap prevents him from being great.

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He just doesn’t make a big enough impact. Yes the growth is nice. Yes the minion is big but doesn’t really have an impact on the battle.

You’re honestly praying for his passive to go off and then praying again they miss…… him and Boom/Fang are suchhhhh disappointments.

The last part of his special for undispelable seems very out of place as well. I mean I guess if you had Luna/ and someone else counter attack buff on you it could work? But that’s a reach.

WSJ they would add utility like a cleanse, alignment immunity for caster/nearby, silence or something man. Could have been so cool but mega minions are a bust it seems.

Add more unique utility to these cards and have the mega minions just add sustain. Pretty annoying

They really need to have

Or wthe easiest thing to do is and what I think they should have done. Is caster gets taunt as long as the mega minion is alive like queen of hearts.


Give Boom/Fang & Leafwhisk taunt as long as mega minion is active and boom. Fixed


thats what i was hoping for when i first did read spotted minion

they would have been so good on offense + defense - like next gen queen of hearts


Seriously! Easy change as well. It feels like they are supposed to have minion taunt because they are lacking so much.

Make it make sense SG!

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they could even reduce that attack and counterattack because they might be op with those 5* troops thats a problem with them having taunt skill

Totally agree.

I also think that they should increase the burn damage or Sparklight. At Average speed I’d like to see him either heal more of the burn or have the burn do more

seems like ya’ll didn’t notice the balance update put out 19 hours ago.


  • Spotted Boar Mega Minion
    • Inherited attack increased: 210% → 260%

It’s not what ya’ll wanted… but it was what was given.



Ya saw they increased minion attack. Sigh….

SG you slow rolling us here or what lol technically a “buff” but irrelevant honestly. I mean ■■■■ at the very very very least give him like a priority cleanse or something :rofl:.

Any easy fix would to have the effect of not having buffs dispelled apply to the entire team while the minion is alive.

I still think it should be a queen of hearts situation where they get taunt while minion is up but if anything let the debuff allocation block apply to the entire team. Or give team debuff immunity while minion is active.

Boom/Fang and Kettle are in a dumpster fire if their own and need love too but fading mega minion damage isn’t it :yawning_face:

Maybe next month? If not gonna stay at 1/50 forever and ever.

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For an average speed hero his mega minion does not do that much damage per turn. Even after the small buff he got. Growth is nice, but that’s basically for his special…
So the suggested “taunt as long as he got a minion boar” should replace the undispellable status effect if you ask me.

As someone who just got leafwhisk, I really don’t mind what he’s doing. But a simple buff for him is to increase the radius of his MM’s dispel shield to nearby allies. This would create permanent protection for a lot of important ally buffs as long as the MM stays on the battlefield


Hé should receive one supplementary buff with his special like give all allies +20% critic chance.

With his mega minion that will be uncleansable and the MM will use this bonus to do some big damage

That’s why I want to get c jasper. He has one of the highest crit chance with 60%. Pair that with legendary rogue troops with 15% crit. It goes up to 75%.
Telluria also gives 10% crit for for e-link but that’s like eww. I’m not going to sought out telly for that 10% crit

I would want C Jasper too if he wasn’t slow… The time you wait until he fires you can be killed 3 times but why not

C jasper would work better with shimmerscale. But yeah the speed of these two would be a problem and they’re not of the same colours