⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Kabeiroi

This thread is for discussing whether Kabeiroi is well-balanced, or whether you think he needs a buff or nerf.

This thread is NOT for general discussion of Strategy or Summons related to Kabeiroi. For that, please see: 💘 Kabeiroi - 5* Ice / Blue from Season of Love

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:bar_chart: Poll

  • I think Kabeiroi is reasonably well-balanced overall
  • I think Kabeiroi is excessively weak, and needs a buff (increase of their strength)
  • I think Kabeiroi is excessively strong, and needs a nerf (decrease of their strength)
  • I’m not sure yet
0 voters

:speaking_head: Discussion

  • If you think Kabeiroi is well-balanced, too strong, or too weak — why?

  • Are there specific, concrete suggestions you’d make to the game designers to alter Kabeiroi ? Or are there specific reasons you think they should remain unchanged?

Purpose of this thread:

To provide an aggregate place for the topic here on the forum; thus preventing there being a million threads popping up. And to provide an actual set of impartial votes rather than a Ideas & Feature Requests which has no real voting.

In short, to neaten the forum and to give players and outlet for their thoughts on his balance without bogging down the rest of the forum or the other Kabeiroi thread.

I was surprised to see this topic because I believe he is an okay hero. Being able to pick the first target is great, this has saved me many times in this week’s rush tournament.
Please don’t compare him with Milady de Winter because I don’t think there are many heroes that can hold a candle to her in rush.
As always, thank you for the topic, @PlayForFun! :smiley:


It’s funny because I don’t know who this hero is…


I compare him to Cupido. Kabeiroi is really weak. Here is why


I compare kabeiroi to alfrike. Essentially one less hit, but you can choose target. That strikes a balance to me.

Your comparison to Cupido is good. But perhaps that means cupido is too strong (see c2.quintus).

I think everyone agrees alfrike is strong (perhaps losing power over time), so a comparable hero is good to me.


I know Alfrike is strong on rush defense. But on defense Kabeiroi is weaker than Alfrike because 1 less hit and defense team can’t choose target.

Alfrike also reduce max hp which is somewhat effective against taunt and hp boost but Kabeiroi doesn’t.

The only good thing is Kabeiroi is slow but Alfrike is very slow.

Overall, new Kabeiroi is a bit weaker than old Alfrike by overall.

  • Kabeiroi is better than Alfrike outside rush attack because Kabeiroi is faster but there are many heroes with fast/average mana regen who is better than Kabeiroi outside rush attack. So, both Kabeiroi and Alfrike seem to not useful outside rush attack at all.
  • In rush attack, on offense, Kabeiroi is comparable to Alfrike because 1 less hit but you can choose target.
  • In rush attack, on defense, Kabeiroi is weaker than Alfrike because defense team can’t choose target.

That is why I think he is weak.

I compare Cupido to C2 Li Xiu and I think Cupido is well-balanced.

Maybe, both Cupido and C2 Li Xiu are a bit too strong :smile:.


I agree on this LiXiuC2 and Cupido comparison, and that is my actual reason not to aim for Cupido on this SE


even thinking that a hero is “excessively weak” =/= thinking that the hero needs a buff AND thinking that a hero is “excessively strong” =/= thinking that the hero needs a nerf.

We get what we get. We all get pulls and, if we are pulling over time, we can get some weaker heroes and some stronger heroes.

It is also unfair for a player who has invested saved/bought gems
or tokens for chances to get that new featured hero who was known to be better than heroes who had come before, to go into a context like raids with the hero they had invested in and to compete against heroes who may include some that have been buffed.

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I agree Kaberoi is clearly not in the league of Cupido and c2Li Xiu. But I think he’s okay, and there are some other factors here that are in his favour compared to Alfrike (besides mana speed, which is irrelevant in rush):

  • Kaberoi is newer so his stats are better and he has better survivability.
  • Kaberoi is immune to silence (this includes the damage on full mana that Xandrella and Hansel have). It’s possible to shut down Alfrike with a silencer, but options against Kaberoi are more limited (possibly cutting mana or stopping mana generation only, but I haven’t tested this).
  • I think Kaberoi’s 20% healing family bonus is better than Alfrike’s realm bonus. Mindless attack is annoying - mindless heal is even worse if you’ve got a nearly dead enemy hero. Kaberoi’s family bonus synergizes well with mindless heal to increase healing.
  • Kaberoi has one less hit, but is guaranteed to hit at least two heroes unlike Alfrike (although Alfrike is likely to hit at least two in her five hits). So couple with targeting you’ve got a better chance of shutting down the most dangerous enemy hero(es).

Also, on defense, Cupido and c2Li Xiu have a 40% chance of only hitting two enemies whereas Kaberoi is guaranteed four hits (and Alfrike five).


I understand but for me, if Kabeiroi is comparable to Alfrike by overall, it means he is weak. As newer heroes, he is suppose to be at least better than Alfrike.

Since there is Cupido in the valentine portal and Kabeiroi is newer heroes in that portal, Kabeiroi is suppose to be at least equal to Cupido.

No, Kaberoi isn’t guaranteed 4 hits and Alfrike isn’t guaranteed 5 hits.

I just realize that, for Alfrike, let say you fight against full team enemy and you want to silence tank. Even you can’t chose target, there is 0.8^5 = 32.768% chance that the target will not get hit which is more than half that the target will get hit. So, the ability to choose target isn’t very great as I think at first.


I’m not sure SGG see it that way, heroes in the same portal often differ in usefulness and there’s usually a “dud” legendary that reduces the chance of the “desired” hero. For example, I’m not sure any of the new Christmas heroes last year are any better than Mr Pengi or costume Mother North.

You’re right, poor wording choice from me there. I meant Kaberoi is guaranteed four hits and Alfrike five in the sense of extra chances compared to Cupido / c2Li Xiu - but I agree not necessarily (and often won’t be) to different heroes.

Someone better at maths than me might be able to work out the odds of Kaberoi hitting 3 or 4 different heroes (since 2 is guaranteed per his special skill wording) or Alfrike to 2-5 different heroes.

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I know I mentioned this in the other forum topic. I personally think Kabeiroi should be at average speed if his special remains unchanged. Otherwise if left at slow speed his special should add an additional random target or total of 4 randoms. If not then the special damage itself should be upped to 250% up from 200%.