I can imagine c yunan to be a really tough to beat tank. His original is already quite tricky to play around and this costume with the mana gen and cleanse is going to wreck, especially on rush.
Depends, would prefer more defensive capabilities for the tank. Probably crit troops
Don’t have ninja bonus, but Springvale bonus makes it so that they shrug off attack down easily. Really good family bonus
It sounds like we are similar in strength. I don’t use a healer in my defence at all, haven’t done for a long while. Probably it makes me vulnerable to fiend creators but thankfully they are thin on the ground.
And it allows more danger into my team!
I would choose something like: Poseidon-Hel-cYunan-GM-Cobalt
Thanks @Tidyup and @Bwang for your comments, interesting insights and provides some food for thought!
I used c-Yunan (+18) for the first time yesterday and my defence already seems more solid. Looking forward to getting him +20 for the extra defence.
I’ll try crit troops next war, I’ve been using mana so far but I think that’s because I needed LOTL to fire for the heal + minions.
I’ve never considered a no-healer defence (mainly because had to use LOTL anyway) but I might try it now that c-Yunan can shield my team more effectively.
Any reason for suggesting Poseidon + Hel? I rarely see either on defence nowadays, are they still relevant in today’s meta?
I’d say Poseidon and Hel are still tough enemies. You could also try Santana wing and Roostley flank. Depends on who’s emblemed up too if course.
Maybe a cheeky Alfrike flank if you’re feeling spicy!
Need to get more emblems on Sartana, working on it now as my initial wizard emblems went to Hel, Alfrike and Cobalt. With 959 defence I’m seriously tempted to use Alfrike in defence more often (definitely using her this week for rush!) Thanks again for your help!
Depending on the war and not taking emblems into consideration.
Blue: Cobalt for most wars except rush, I´d go with Miki. Lepus is an option on equalizer.
Red: Gefjon, C-Azlar when rush, GM when arrows and Tyr when heal.
Yellow: Vivica, I´d go with Joon or Roostley on equalizer wars.
Purple Hel for most of the wars, Alfrike would go in rush.