First 5* rainbow team about to be ready to go (all tc 20s). In what order should I put them in? Have Lianna+3, Marjana+2, Thorne+3, Vivica+?(been using emblems on Rigard) and Sartana+2. Thinking to tank Thorne for his talent but idk…any advice welcome.
Edit: if it matters, I have most of the Reggie tc 20 4s maxed as well. Rigard+6, B.T. +7, etc. Triton is my only 4 not from season 1.
I would usually switch Viv to left wing with Sartana. But that’s just me. Viv is not great for defense. So your main firepower would come from the middle 3.
I was thinking maybe that too @AirHawk, but then I was afraid she wouldn’t take enough hits to charge fast enough, being a slow mana… I could always drain Rigard and throw a few emblems her way if it would help. I kinda feel like, especially in cases like hers, it would take a few hundred more to really help though. B4 that I was running, in order, Boldtusk-Kiril-Kash-Marjana-Sartana.
I like to kill first before being killed.
Putting Viv at the 2 spot yes she gets to probably fire once or none at all depending on your opponents board.
Putting Sartana there instead has a higher chance of her special firing.
To be honest, if you have Rigard with emblems I would just switch around put the below lineup: