Hi everyone, I’ve been playing the game since 2019. I’m a c2p-ftp player, also not competitive for now. Last two years I wasn’t very active. Last 4-5 months started playing actively again. I did some pulls recently and need a bit space, thinking about getting rid of some duplicates of 3* and 4*. Here is my roster
I will make some more pulls next month and try to take Mother North or Guardian Panther from Fated Summon depending on the Soul Exchange.
This brings us the second part of the post: soul exchange food. Here are the candidates👇🏻
I am not sure about the max S1 heroes because I have lots of costume keys waiting for more toons to be released. On the other hand I have lots of ascension items and feeders. I have around 80-90 heroes waiting in TC20. I’m thinking of choosing G. Panther but not sure since not all options are released.
You might see some outdated 5* heroes in my roster but I want to keep them as pet heroes
Sorry for the long post, I tried to include all info you might need for giving advice. If I missed any please tell me. Your ideas will be much appreciated
Please tell me that’s a duplicate Cinderella you’re planning on feeding away to SE. If it’s not, Please do not feed away Cinderella to SE. I’m not sure there will be a hero in there worth the exchange for her alone.
It’s the first copy. Usually I use 4+1 teams with 2 healers and I couldn’t find a use for Cindrella. Yes she is a fast wilbur with cleanse but I am not competitive in challange events or towers. Also I have lots of clerics and really low on emblems. I didn’t think of leveling her. If I’m missing something please tell me
Priority cleanse on it’s own is worth its weight in gold as well as Def up and def down which are all relevant in all parts of the game. All that at fast speed and considering your other red 5* heroes in my opinion she’s probably your stand out best red hero. Cinderella and C.Marjana together is a potent combination, an almost dream pairing, especially as they’re at the same speed meaning they should always be ready to fire together on attack.
You stack reds to attack in raids? Those 2 will cause issues. Superior Wizard talent means C1.Marjana will dispel with tiles and Cinderella’s special will cleanse. As a cleric Cinderella has a good chance to resist mana ailments too. Then def down and EDD at the same speed? Add another hit 3 red such as very fast Gravemaker and its ouch time for the enemy as all three will fire one after the other. Not to mention protection from the def up.
Against titans? Those 2 will set you up to inflict major damage. Again, General def down and EDD at fast speed. Plus Cinderella has a crazy attack stat of 1032 without emblems or limit break.
She’s not just a fast Wilbur with cleanse. Shes a fantastic support hero who you already have the cast to cause major pain without even trying. Wilbur should be crying in a corner somewhere.
You will need every single hero for events that are roster heavy. Events like contest of elements, TOL, etc. Especially COE, where the fire challenge is up next month. So it makes little sense to me why you want to get rid of Cinderella now. Also unless the SE has some stellar heroes, I wouldn’t sack anyone at this point
I’d be hesitant to feed away levelled 5 *s as you may pull (further) costumes. You probably have the roster depth to manage contest of elements, three kingdoms and any other large roster event but the extra fire power may help here as well. Waiting a few months for a later soul exchange would mean that you could also save 6-16 other heroes for the later trade which you might otherwise not be able to make.
The hope has been that SE options will improve over time. I’m yet to see that in the current iteration, but we could hope for better things to come. As an f-ctp, I suspect that you’d have more loot acquiring power if keeping the levelled heroes.
Don’t forget that now with Master trials for the Master Emblems, you need a good selection of the same class for the event, so I wouldn’t feed away too much unless you have plenty of those classes. Unless of course, you don’t care about doing the new trial quest, or other quests.
So far we have 10 Souls revealed, are any of those so far shown ones you’re interested in?
Still 2x Blue and 3x Green to be revealed
Honestly most of them seems good to me except for Matilda and Chakkosztrot. Currently I lack 5* healers so Phenexa seems nice to replace Boldtusk. It would be nice to replace Sergei with CG Panther as purple edd, an unwanted cascade puts me in a tough position sometimes. Lahou can replace my plain old Joon… and so on
I do all the good quests. So far I only had problems with druid and rogue class but finished it either way.
I guess I’ll feed at least the ones I don’t even use the first copy (4* and 3*)
For soul exchange I will decide after what I get from TC20
Thanks everyone for your time and ideas