Help me with the Soul exchange, as I am getting blanked

Hi ,

Please help me with the soul exchange. I am getting blanked out as in who to take and also who should I give up. This SE seems to be having better options so confused which is better for my team.

I lack yellow, red, blue heroes. I’m loaded in green and dark heroes, so preferably not those elements.

If needed I’m willing to give up on season 1 heroes at 1-1, Horus, Frosth(I haven’t used him at all), Frida, Salmon Loki, Viscaro, Areax, CKage(I haven’t used/levelled him for a long time now as I have C Seshat n Kai) Thinking of holding on to Cinisia, Kettle, Jett.

I have toons costume for Richard and Sartana but i run 2 Tc20s so I should get them again.

How many souls do you think you can exchange? Are you looking for just 10-15 souls?

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No please don’t exchange frida away. She’s very important at this stage for your roster. Part of me hopes you don’t exchange salmon away as well. But I understand as he’s not important right now for you. Apart from the few S1 dupes, I really don’t see enough for even a 10 soul exchange. Maybe you should wait for the next one? And if you really need to, mica for 10 souls. He’s a decent pick for a mana buffer and defensive hero. Plus your yellows are the weakest


If it’s for 10 then c jabberwok is the only contender but I am not very keen on him though.

My eyes is on C WR as I lack heroes in yellow. All I have is Eloise, C2 Lixiu, woolerton. But am not sure I can stretch to 20. I will be short of 2-3 heroes even if I sacrificed few good/ok heroes.

I probably can give up 15 comfortably. So any in tier 15 which deserves? I had taken Quintin last time and it served me well.

Even a hero like salmon has worth. So I’m only seeing dupes as the sacrifices. To me unless the S1 heroes has costumes, you can just feed them away. You have plenty of chances to get their costumes with the base S1 hero anyways


I use CNordri for EDD. I took Frida from FS but really not showing interest in Levelling her up due to her stats.

Salmon loki as well from FS not sure if it’s worth, especially without costume. I haven’t heard good about Horus as well(il let him go only if I can take WR in his place as I lack yellow).

I guess Areax is also not worth. I haven’t used Frosth and CKage ever.

Honestly, just wait for the next one. Unless you’re desperate for the roster space there is no point in taking a hero you neither want or need. If you do not have the souls for the hero that you want then you’r better of saving them for the next one where there may be another hero that you want.
Also, giving up Frida is certified madness without a 5* EDD hero to replace her. Nordri just does not cut the mustard. I have both and Nordri does not see anywhere near the use that Frida sees and Frida will be a lot more difficult to reobtain later down the line.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


Yeah, same thoughts as blem. Unless it’s dupes, it’s important to keep every copy to diversify your roster. You can’t afford to throw away any heroes at this point just to get one hero. Events like contest of elements, wars, taverns requires a deep roster to complete. You will use those heroes eventually


You should skip, most definitely

Throwing away useful heroes like Frida, Horus, C. Kageburado, C2. Sartana, etc - while you’re still building our your roster - for a single 5* that won’t elevate your play nearly enough to compensate, would be a major mistake.


You can throw away s1 heroes even if they have toon costume as you won’t the costume and s1 can easily gained back thru every summon or tc20


I have concentrated more on my 4* roster for a long time so 5* heroes got backlogged. Heroes like CKage and viscaro are waiting from more than a year. I have around 40 heroes in total (3* not counted). I have traded fully levelled marjana, roostley etc in the previous SE for Quintin. And i am very happy with Quintin.

But I do get your point. If the collective opinion is to wait, il better wait for next SE then. I am very picky in levelling up a 5*. I build my roster with 4* but level only few 5*. Thank you.

Rest of my roster is as such:


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Thanks. I didn’t like to spend 10 heroes for jabberwock or mica so thought of going for 15 tier by a stretch. Will wait for next SE then. I have taken only Quintin so far from SE.

Getting C. Jabberwock while your purple heroes are backlogged is counter productive. I would stop levelling 3*/4* and start with 5* heroes. If you need rosterplace then dump the unlevelled 3*/4* heroes.

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Ultimately, we all can guide you the best we know how, but at the end of the day: it’s your game

If you feel comfortable and satisfied with your remaining 5*, and feel you’d get more use out of a single 5* SE pick vs the 15 you plan to get rid of, then more power to ya.

The only 15 pick I personally think would be worth it is Winifred. But even then, knowing what you’d have to give up, I still don’t think it’d be worth it. Quintin is a game-changer. While this SE has many amazing picks, none of them are quite on that level. Besides Winifred, Garnet, Diaochan and C. WR are the closest.


Yes I was eyeing on C WR as im almost nill in yellow heroes. Eloise and C2 Lixiu is all I have. Recently I have obtained Horus, I haven’t heard much about him though after the changes. C WR would have helped me in Titan, mono, war. But I can’t make it to tier 20 by any stretch.

Winifred was my next choice but I have enough greens in Kai, Cristobal, Cinisia, Toxicandra, Boom n Fang.

Quintin certainly changed my game. He helped me in my main raid team, defence/offence and events.

Horus is a great hero to counter overheal. Being VF, he’s able to keep up with the meta easier. & If you happen to pull in the upcoming CF and land C. Guardian Jackal (or train him in the Hero Academy), the two pair very well together.

Same could be said for C. Kageburado (speed-wise). And priority dispel is so handy vs double LB, and more especially, taunt. He also pairs well with your Sergei, being the same speed and element

Quintin is fantastic! I remember when I first pulled him, I was obsessed. And to this day, he’s rarely left my teams, like… three years later. Guaranteeing a kill is often underestimated, but man, he’s a life-saver. So when I think of what exists in this SE, while there are great 5* available, is it at that same level?

DD is an amazing skill, and pairs so well with almost every hero, but C. WR isn’t totally unique in that way (unlike Quintin)

Immunity is also an incredible counter to all things ailments, but again, these skills exist elsewhere

& As pointed out earlier, trading in for a hero that would end up in a queue would hardly be worth it. As, by the next SE, they may still be 1/1 as a consequence

… If you didn’t have to give up so many unique, and/or leveled, 5* - then it wouldn’t even be a debate. But idk, personally, I think the cost may be too high [for you] this time. Silver lining? Maybe next SE will be even better!


Thanks for the detailed explanation Randa.

Can you please suggest who should I concentrate on next? Currently I’m working on Buster, who I got this week. I’m open to be it 5*/4*/3*. I am low(nill) on wizard emblems.

Thanks blem. I will skip this SE and opt for next one. I should be having much more souls to spare by then anyways as I run 2 TC20s as well.

Seems like I have underestimated Frida much. Will look into her once more. Wanted her so much sometime back because of the SS and also her artwork, but the power creep made her stats so low. Difficult to survive in mono with my Kiril(without costume) , CGrimm , Loki, Quintin, azmia.

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I’d love to! This is something I used to do a lot back in the day, so weirdly, I’m pretty excited :crazy_face: I’m gonna notate all of the heroes I think are worth focusing on, and in all rarities. Whether to do a 3* / 4* or 5* next will have to be up to you. You could even go as far as doing one 3* - feeding only on-color 1* - and one 5*, feeding all 2*+ on color feeders, at the same time. Wouldn’t spread around too much tho, or it’ll drag your progress

Imma apologize ahead of time though, as this will be a lot:



  1. Buster: His increased damage will be amazing for so many aspects: rush, titans, events… he’s one of those 3* that have skills good enough to play along 5$
  2. Boots: Another 3* that has a great skill set, that aside from 3* tournaments - offensively and defensively - he can also be used for war aides like Equalizer, and depending on your green titan team, tag along there too
  3. Bagreg: Now, idk if you compete in 3* challenge events, but if ya do, this dude is a necessity. I see you’ve already got Falcon that you can use for titans, but knowing Falcon, this dudes attack stat may even be higher :sweat_smile:

Those three stand out to me the most, but personally, I always believe leveling most unique heroes helps diversify a roster, preparing it better for niche instances. So I’ll point out a few others to get to, once the important heroes are taken care of: (Rufus for rush, Dante for Bloody, Phoenicus for Buff Booster, Skrekok for challenge events, then maybe Li for another rush star)


Unfortunately, I can’t tell which secondary costumes you have (or not). C2. Colen is a phenomenal one, and so is C2. Gormek. But really, just like 3*, I’d recommend leveling all uniques eventually. But based on what I can see:

  1. C. Gormek: Even if you don’t have the second costume, the first is a must to take care of all things minions, and in minion wars, you need multiples. But also, the original with DD is useful for all things, especially as I don’t see Wilbur about.
  2. Sir Lancelot: Again, this is one for if you compete in epic. If so, he’s pretty necessary. If not, you could take him or leave him, really. But offensively, Scarlett or Kellie would be better

Scarlett and Kelile are nice for their speed, as you want fast hitters in each element, and rarity, for offensive purposes. They’re not ones I’d rush, but eventually get to when you’ve got the time and feeders. Sumitomo you could skip / feed away


Without a costume for Elena, I wouldn’t max her til you have enough mats to max at least two additional fire 5*, if you were to pull them right after



After you level your Nordri’s costume to improve his stats…

  1. Dawn: Such an amazing 3*, I would get her done ASAP for the mana control and cleanse; she’s great for tournaments like the one we have on now (Bloody). But also for all other 3* tournaments
  2. C. Ulmer: A rush star, that also has a place in the typical 3* ice rare team for challenge events; the attack buff or defense debuff are both brutal.
  3. Helo: While you don’t really need another healer in the element, cleanse is too important to not have ready at your disposal, especially in accompaniment with a heal. So not urgent, but I’d get to it eventually

Virgil you could get to when you have a chance, but with two ice healers already, hardly urgent (if at all). Though, 6 tiles > 10. Planchet I’ve never used, as 3* minion summoners just aren’t plentiful enough, but maybe one day they will be. Jarif? Not a fan (average speed is too slow for a single snipe imo). & Vodnik? There are better damaging 3*


OK, so none of these really stand out to me (ice 4’s seriously lack). If you had a costume for Triton, then I’d suggest him. Though, waiting at 60

  1. Sonya: Always need multiple dispels / cleanses per element

… Past that, Sapphire is the only one that’s semi-usable, and even then, her stats are quite old. Fosco, Mireweave and Agwe are trash. And Triton without costume is also akin to Sapphire. Unfortunately element…


  1. Frida: While you said you currently use Nordri for titans, I’d still prioritize Frida first, as the survivability increase alone will be an upgrade, not to mention the dispel buffs that is so handy! Sure, she’s a bit old, but EDD is one of those timeless SS that is so versatile
  2. Kettle: This one will be more personal preference, as being random can be a turn-off, but 2/3 skills are quite phenomenal… (and such a great passive). I’d say, if you got the mats, he’s worth a try (or at least a test at 3/70)

If you have all costumes for Richard, then I’d prioritize him too. If you only have one… I’d put him on the back-burner. And two out of three? Place him after Kettle. Areax is also a hero that does have use-case in Rush, so I wouldn’t sleep on him, but I’d put him last in priorities



This is probably the best element in this rarity, so there’ll be a lot to do here

  1. C. Belith: Considering it’s just the costume, this should be easy, but the effect is no joke for Buff Booster! So worth leveling
  2. C. Mnesseus: For Bloody, you need cleanse available on a non-healer, so this costume is vital
  3. C. Carver: Last costume I’d suggest to level, the mana control on this one is a pain to face defensively, and offensively, can be insanely helpful
  4. Alessia: Powerful hit-3, so she’s great in all 3* tournaments that aren’t rush.
  5. Zarola: Similar to Alessia, but less dependable, you need power hitters for 3* tournaments
  6. Gnomer: Speed is King, especially in 3* tournaments with so few ways to speed up your heroes, so a VF sniper can be a game-changer

Then we have Whacker, who has one of the highest attack stats in nature, making him a great fill in for competing with natures in Rare. After, Noril still has a place in events and/or rush for the offense; not as urgent as those I’ve numbered, but down the road…


  1. C. Tettukh: I’m seeing a lot of heroes maxed, but costumes not, so I’d prioritize these sort of heroes first simply as they’re a quick and easy way to make a hero better. Tettukh isn’t my favorite nature mana control, but mana control is so game-changing, you can never have enough

C. Little John could have a place in rush, as his attack stat is impressive, but that’s about it, so no urgency here. Kashhrek is no longer relevant imo and Alfie is mostly only nice for the passive


Assuming you have no costumes for the S1, the only clear winner here is:

  1. Cinisia: A pretty great recently released HOTM tbh, as she hits pretty hard at average. And all AoE have a place defensively; she may even be your best option [there]. I don’t think she’s so good, I’d put a rush on her and prioritize her above the 3*, but she’s good, and worth the mats eventually.



Finish C. Bane first, but then…

  1. C. Kvasir: Ooh, can’t believe he’s not levelled yet! This lil dude will be your best friend for all things Bloody 3*. He’s pretty great outside of there too; those minions are potent and powerful! I love him
  2. Sally: Such a great rush star, especially at tank defensively (made even more deadly with Treevil and Greel on each flank)
  3. Jaco: Tbh, I haven’t made use of this 3* yet, but a fast mana controller will most definitely have a use-case


Finish C. Wu Kong quickly (less you use someone else for titans, then he can be put on the back-burner), then…

  1. Gullinbursti: Omg, he’s not leveled? You gotta level him! He’s my favorite lil pig for all things map levels / quests, as he makes completion so much easier (like a mini Hippo). Outside of that, his use cases are more rush based, but who knows, you may find him to be one of your new favorite support heroes!
  2. C. Chao: Another I’m unsure whether you’ve got both costumes or not… if you do, then most definitely Chao. If not, he’s not a huge priority, as the hit-3 improves him greatly (to be paired with heroes like Mist)

Scoratek I’m not a fan of, and a dupe Wu Kong will most likely be a waste of feeders, so if ya want, could stop there [for now]


  1. Horus: Not going to repeat myself here, but of all the 5* I’ve already mentioned, he’s the most underrated, and imo deserves those mats!


Last one, phew! :sweat_smile:


Level that Balthazar costume :grinning:


  1. Para / Aderyn: As again, one needs a healer in all rarities and elements. Personally, I prefer the effects of Para, but this will have to be your choice ultimately. I’d only prioritize one for the moment, though. The other, when everything else that’s needed leveling is done
  2. Treevil #2: This ofc is if you don’t mind leveling Dupes. Since Treevil is so game-changing for all things rush - even outside the 3* rarity - I’d say he’s worth it if ya got the feeders / time. But ultimately, that’s your call (me, I don’t level Dupes in 3’s, but that’s cuz I don’t have the space to lol)

The only unleveled 3* that isn’t worth a damn I see here is Budatín (such a disappointing hero)


  1. C. Ameonna: That costume of hers makes her a phenomenal support hero. She doesn’t have the effects that Sabina or Rigard have, but fast > average, and sometimes, that’s exactly what saves you
  2. Arges: Since I don’t see Tiburtus here, Arges will have to do. Defense down, and attack up, are some of the easiest ways to build synergy
  3. Lexi: Oooh, if you didn’t have Sergei, I’d suggest prioritizing this hero like a madwoman! Since you do have Sergei, who will be better for all things titans, she’s further down, but EDD is such a great building block for increasing damage via synergy. The damage and passive are a bonus! Great pair to all your hit-3’s in dark, especially if they’re average speed too. (Tiburtus comes to mind, if and when you pull him!)
  4. Merlin: A cheap imitation to Proteus, but as I said earlier, can never really have enough mana control, even when it’s a lesser kind…

As for the rest, Stonecleave has fans, I’m just not one of them. Ahhotep is a bit complicated to use correctly, but he would be a solid follow-up to Arges and/or Lexi, so maybe down the line. & Fura without her costume is actually pretty disappointing, ngl.


  1. C. Kageburado: Since he’s already at 3/70, he’d be the easiest to go ahead and max, and he’ll do you well vs double LB
  2. C2. Sartana: That passive, and those stats, are no joke! At this point, any triple costumes are worth maxing ASAP, so long as you can stomach it
  3. Jett: Honestly, she doesn’t impress me much, but that magic passive is so powerful, I think she’s worth brining to 70 and seeing if she’ll add any value to your roster
  4. Viscaro: While maybe not as effective as the aforementioned, Viscaro is still a pretty nasty counter vs minions, and can be quite effective in Rush format. Not good enough to expedite, and maybe once at 70, you’ll find he’s not for you, but I think he’s worth a try.
  5. Salmon Loki: This one would be for :poop:’s and giggles, as realistically, he’s hard to make playable. Great pair to certain elemental heroes, but that’s about it. More for fun, than anything else

Wow, is that it :sweat_smile: haha oh my. Hopefully I haven’t just overwhelmed you lol. If you have any questions, let me know.


Woah. I haven’t read the explanation yet. But im overwhelmed(in a good way) already with the amount of it. Thank you for the detailed one. Will definitely save this for a long time and re read it many more times.