With the sheer volume of events coming out now and the subsequent new heroes that come with them, I’m just searching for opinions on which classic heroes are safe to feed away (3* and 4*) or save up for the next soul exchange.
I know there are still a few ok ones left if you have one or two of their costumes.
I’m running out of roster space and need to make some cuts
Ok for what it’s worth. In my opinion, as a starter you could feed away the following:
3* heroes:
Gan Ju
Duplicate Gunnar
One x duplicate Zarola
One x duplicate Edelaide
2x duplicate Treevil
Thank you for your suggestions, I’ve gone and fed them away. If there are any of the classic 4* that I have maxed that is pretty much dead with or without costumes I’d be happy to hear your opinion on if any of them are worth feeding away.
I suppose you only need one Fura …
For me personally I never use Mireweave and Shadereave (but they can be useful in tournaments) …
And I suppose you only need one Griffin …
After that I seriously think your 4* left in your roster are really useful
Your S1 4*, I never use my Hu Tao anymore
The rest I would keep