So as the title states, I could use some help determining where to spend my ascension materials. I currently have the following mats:
Damascus Blades: 4
Scopes: 1
Tonics: 13
Rings: 7
Darts: 7
Tabards: 0
Tome of tactics: 3
and plenty of 3* mats
My goals are to beef up my raid defense team and potentially increase my attack squads. I am hurting a bit without a good green attacker. My raid def team right now is:
Zim+7 - Ariel+7 - Buddy+20 - Leo+1 - Sartana+6
Here are my 5* heros:
Ranvir 3-70
Justice 3-70
Atomos 3-70
Horghall 3-70
Horghall 1-1
Thoth 3-70
Isanria 4-41
My 4* are sitting pretty good with another 12 maxed
of note:
Gadeirus 4-1
Hu 3-60
Li 3-60
Chao 3-60
Danza 2-32
So, are there any recommendations I could make for who to ascend and also how that could effect my raid defense team? I am currently sitting in diamond pretty comfortably. I definitely lose a good deal of raids on D, but I make up for it when attacking.
I just yesterday started up TC20 again (shut it down several months ago to focus on leveling the heros I have). I am relatively C2P (VIP, atlantis deals) so I dont anticipate an influx of 5* heros in the near future. I will be pushing hard for Kingston with saved tokens during seasonal event and atlantis.
I didn’t find Wu Knog among your mentioned 4*. This means that Ranvir can be very useful for you.
Atomos was annoying in Atlantis levels before I brought dispellers. However, I don’t have neither Atomos nor Horghall, so can’t tell anything useful about those two.
Wu Kong eludes me. And at this point in the game I am more than ok with that. Ranvir at 3-70 is able to survive well enough against the 8* titans we are facing now, but would need to be beefed up if/when we progress to higher titans.
If I ascend Ranvir, then I am still stuck using Buddy in my raid defense. Which I guess can work. I ascended Leo as he was my first yellow 5* and fits a “sniper” with heal need.
I have been thinking about that for my greens, but I feel both of my yellows would have value maxed. Justice in the shorter term as a tank, because I do not have a strong tank, and Ranvir in the long run for titans. Would it make sense to max Justice and give her some emblems (Sonya is my only other Paladin that is maxed)? Then I would update my raid D to be Zim-Kage-Justice-Sartana-Ariel
And you would have a really nice team in my opinion.
Justice is quite sturdy, perfect for being a tank (also she’s a Paladin = added protection) and the blind part of his special could cause quite some trouble if the opponent does not have a cleanser. Kage and Sartana will be well protected and able to unleash their specials.
I appreciate your feedback. I can update my defense to that right now and see how it works out. In the mean time I can level Danzaburro for the bench depth and re-evaluate.
I did stumble across a thread or two claiming Justice is a bit underrated currently or underappreciated so it had me eager to pull the trigger.
Well after one night with the new lineup, results are promising. So if Justice does not improve my lineup, is it worth ascending Ranvir? Or is waiting the best move? It is hard to wait for the unknown, it could be months before I get another 5* yellow or one that would be worth ascending.
My Horghall is still at 1.1. I chose to level Kadilen before him, and I’ll likely level either Kashhrek or Skittleskull next if I don’t get any better hero.
Horghall’s big HP is supposed to compensate for his average defense stat, but I find more often than not he will clock out before firing his skill. Maybe in the days before G. Falcon and Gravemaker, he was a good tank. But now I find he is a prime target to get tiles dumped on and clear out.
I have also read around here that given his Druid class, he is once again more viable. I can kinda see the idea since big HP complements minion summoning well. However emblems on him is a big big investment, one which I’m not willing to make just to test that theory.
Sorry I couldn’t be more useful here I have my doubts on Horghall, and I don’t really have much experience with Atomos. Except one of my alliance mates has him maxed, and he uses him in a green stack with Peters. Sounds like a good synergy to me, since silence pairs well with Atomos’ skill doing more damage if mana is full. But without having Peters,
No bad news bared, this thread was created because I saw the writing on the wall and wondered if it was worth ascending any of them. I unfortunately have 2 Horghall’s so i feel like I had to get one of them to 3-70 just for war depth. but I knew he wasnt going to be a game changer. My druid class is already stacked with Zim getting+7 right now and Caedmon+3, and Ranvir in the wings.
On paper I feel like Atomos could be really good if they bumped his special and made him dispellable (this is documented all over). It is interesting DaveCozy that your alliance mate has him maxed and is able to use him.
Kage will be getting all of my barbaian emblems from here on out. I do not plan on resetting the +15 I have on Grimm, because Grimm sees the field a LOT for me still.
Sounding like Ranvir is worth maxing. Just this last titan I had Ranvir die on me twice before I could even get him off or healed.
well again, I think it’s the synergy between Peters and Atomos, he will silence 1 target, charge it up with green tiles and then fire Atomos after to deal max damage with his skill. I don’t think it’s an exciting combo or anything like that, it’s a matter of working with what you have We’re all mostly free or cheap players
Well this weekend I pulled Elkanen from TC20. My initial reaction was real excitement. Now having read up on him, he seems to be less than stellar. I will spend the next couple weeks taking him to 3-70. He does seem to be better than atomos and horghall though. So I am thinking of ascending him. I still would have enough mats to max another green should I get one. Is that a bad idea?
I have him maxed (had him and Horghall to choose from at the time - and 11 tonics). He’s underwhelming for offense but still comes along on all my green 3-2s and green war mono, for lack of green hitters. He’s quite good at staying alive.
He’s also on my raid def, right wing, and I stay in diamond. Don’t know to what extent he contributes :>. Recently pulled Lianna though so Elks days in the sun are numbered…
I am in need of any green offensive heros. I have to avoid or think hard about attacking too many strong blue teams because buddy and caedmon dont quite cut it.
Elk will help out on offense then :). He’s not horrible, just not a very hard hitter compared to other nicer greens. He has performed miracles as last man standing for me though a couple of times.
Should you pick Eve up when she comes back in a couple of months, Elk is magically transformed to a train (or so I’ve heard - sadly no Eve here).
Well I went ahead and maxed Ranvir and Elkanen. They now both sit at +1 for emblems.
Now I wonder if I should update my defense team. It is not terrible, but it is not great, as Rohn pointed out.
Any advice on a good defense lineup with the following heros:
I also have Grazul nearing 3-70 and am planning to max her since I do not have any other 5* red and she will help in red-stacks.
Justice will have to stay at 3.70 until I get another dart. She is in line for emblems too since I do not have any other paladin to give them to.