I’m currently at lvl 18 castle, and level 29. Still a newbie. Would love to hear your opinion on which hero to fully ascend first? I have quite a decent 4* heroes such as Wu Kong, Hansel and Gretel, Rigard, Grim, some 5* heroes and a number of 3* heroes.
I have leveled up my 4* heroes most of them only up to 3/60. I would like hear some opinions on which of my 1st heroes to fully ascend so that I can progress further into the game, which Currently I’m stuck at Atlantis province 14 due to monster increase damage, unable to progress raids into silver, stuck at challenge quest, rare quest etcetera.
Here is my heroes roster. Hope to hear your opinion. Thanks
I’d consider Rigard first, he will always be useful as you grow. When I was at your level, cyprian got me through a lot of early levels with his rispote. I’d recommend Mack for getting further.
Grimm toon costume! He will be your strongest hero for a while! And upgrade also all his other costumes to max so you get all the costume bonus. You will have a good hero that you can use for years. He is stronger now then a lot of old 5* heroes.
Rigard is a good healer. Grifin costume will help you great against riposters. And Mack in the middle for now…
Wu kong will help you great when you join a clan against titans.
And try to pull some more costumes. The 4* costumes like grimm are good for now.
From my point of view there is no reason to upgrade all costumes of 4* hero, especially for newbie. The bonus beetween 4* hero with 2 costumes and 3 costumes is very, very low.
In my honest opinion At your stage in the game I would focus on the following:
Purple = Rigard
Red = Scarlett
Blue = Grimm and costumes
Green = Hansel
Yellow = Wu Kong
Whichever heroes you choose good luck
Adding to all the above: You have good 3 heroes that will help you during tournaments: shrubbear of course, but also Kilani, sally and trevil (another rush tournament star), nordi, fiana. They are fast and relatively cheap to max.