Hi all! I’m only playing this game for 2,5 months and finally came to the point where the decisions start to matter and therefore I’m reaching out to you guys! I’ve spent a bit of gold at the start to get some heroes, but, besides VIP to speed up building, aiming to play for free. I have gathered some mats and a few 4*/5* heroes, but I’m not sure if these heroes are worth the mats. I’d like to ask if you consider my heroes worth the ascension to level 4 or if I should let them on 3.60 and wait for a better 4*/5* heroes off that color to fully ascend. I don’t mind waiting for better heroes to spent my mats on. I feel like Rigard, because of the cleanse and heal, and Grimm, because of the def. debuff, are my best heroes, but I’m not sure how they compete with others. Here below some information. Thanks in advance!
My heroes:
5*: Aeron 1.30 (2/8)
4*: Kashhrek 3.60 (7/8), Colen 3.60 (8/8), Sonya 3.60 (8/8), Grimm 3.60 (8/8), Boril 1.1 (1/1), Rigard 3.60 (8/8) and Hu Tao 3.60 (8/8).
I’m not sure if my 3* heroes matter, so I won’t post them for now. I do have 12 maxed 3* heroes and several others for leveling to complete my 5th and 6th roster.
My mats:
1 x Damascus blade
1 x Tome of Tactics
2 x Mysterious Tonic
1 x Mystic Rings
2 x Farsight Telescope
0 x Royal Tabard
2 x Poison Darts
5 x Compass
5 x Fine Gloves
6 x Sturdy Shield
3 x Hidden Blade
4 x Warm Cape
4 x Trap Tools
8 x Orb of Magic
My base:
SH 18, starting 19 tomorrow.
TC 13, 13 and 11.
I’m playing this game for over a year now and at this moment I got like 8 teams of maxed 4&5* or 3-70 5*. So many heroes, but Rigard and Grimm are still in my team when doing some of the quests and storymode. They’re really great. I’ve got them on my team with gregorion, gravemaker and Joon.
However sonya with her fast attack and her dispelling buffs is one to have in raids and wars so sonya is a good one too!
With 12 leveled 3 star heroes you’re good. The only reason to level up more is if you really care about the Rare event quests and want a wider pool to choose from. The upcoming raid tournaments will also place limitations on which heroes are allowed but I wouldn’t be too worried with 12 to choose from.
I would go with Rigard and Grimm. Both are very helpful. You may as well also finish Hu Tao, Kashrek and Colen while your’re at it so you can have some better heroes to complete those rare quests. Kashrek is pretty good for defense, and swamp skin comes in useful in certain levels, particularly season 2’s underwater levels. Hu Tao got a buff recently with his skill + blindness is a great crowd control ailment, but he’s slow. Personally I think he’s worth it for the high attack stat. Colen is slow like Hu Tao but his attack stat is high for a 4star.
With VIP, it would be a good idea to begin pushing one of your training camps closer to level 19 as you level your iron storages, so that when you’re close to level 20 stronghold you can upgrade quicker. And if you ever need more iron, the best stage to grind for that is season 1’s stage 14-5.
Thanks for the detailed answer. As for the rare quests, I haven’t had problems so far with the latest stage ( +/- 3250) and fully cleared all I had so far. I don’t like the slow from Hu Tao that much and usually go with Sonya and Grimm instead. I like the dot from Colen, but he is slow… I feel like there should be stronger heroes in both red and yellow.
I’ve seen both Rigard an Grimm often named at different topics, so ill level them up to 4.70. As for the others, I’ll wait a few days to see if my TC13’s are good to me
Good point. After I start SH19 I’ll start leveling 1 x TC and 1 x Iron storage, thanks.
Since you have 8 Orbs, I’d still max out Hu Tao. Orbs seem to be the easiest rare mat to get your hands on through the different events and such. (Someone did a statistical analysis of their frequency as event rewards) I’ve been playing 7 months, have three 4* yellows maxed. I also have a 5* maxed and i STILL have 16 orbs.
But, you can’t go wrong with Rigard and Grimm. Grimm’s ramming pulverizer will help you get great scores on titans, especially red. He is a staple for even long term players who have many maxed heroes to choose from. You can do Sonya next, as her dispell is useful.
Kashhrek is a pretty solid tank. But beyond that, I don’t see a use for him. I’ve never leveled one personally
This was probably true at one time, but it appears the devs have caught the discrepancy and nerfed the #'s to get 14-5 within a normal range.
@BarryWuzHere’s spreadsheet analysis (Barry Farmz Here: Summary) has it averaging 8110 Iron (1622 per World Energy), but I just did a few quick runs that only turned up 6055, 6124 and 6206, for an average of only 1226 per World Energy. Although three isn’t a statistically significant number of runs, the difference between my results and Barry’s data is so far apart that I still think it clearly indicates a change has been made to that stage’s Iron drop rate, especially since my results fall w/in a more normal range of what you’d otherwise expect.
yeah, I’m not getting the same numbers anymore. I used to get about 8000 too, but all my last hour runs ended in the 5500 ~ 6300 range. So it may have been nerfed in a more recent update. i haven’t needed iron in a while, but I’ll be updating my notes now that I know.
Oh well, no biggie, iron is pretty plentiful anyways.
I agree with onelife. Rigard is amazing healer Dispel is overpowering when you learn to use it correctly. He would be my #2 choice #3 Choice is Grimm (Defense wack for 6 turns is overpowering and you will be using him late game when your heroes get better) Very strong against Titans.
I would recommend any 5* as your #1 choice as long as it wont take so much time to level it can hurt you in any other areas.
After those 3 I would say it really doesn’t matter I would level titan accordingly. Seems like Titans have the best payoff in the long run. I would focus on titan damage after you have a good defense team.