Hey all,
Have been with my alliance from day 1 ( 10 months ago ), but contemplating of making a change from December to a top 100 alliance.
For context we have been around #200-300 with a full alliance.
Looking for in my new potential alliance :
- 30 strong players - highly competitive while understanding this is a game and not real life - no drama, can’t stand it.
- Almost no titan hits ( real life is more important ) are missed and all are contributing significantly to titans
- War strategy, good win track record and no hits unused
- Learn something new from teammates
What I can bring :
- 15 5* maxed, 25 4* maxed and have quite a few projects on 5* but no mats - difficult when 80 titans in a row and 15 tian chests without a 4* mat
. Have all 4* heroes at 1/1 with some having multiples like Rigard.
- Am around 2550-2600 cups overnight on raid.
- Can put various war defenses around 4350+ and working on my troops now, so expect by end of year be around 4400. Depending on tank colours - can put purple Ursena + 11, red Black Knight + 11, yellow Guin without emblems but can move from Hel to her at +10/11.
- We hit 11-12* titans and am A+ or A most of the time when not recharging and in need of resources for buildings and challenge events.
- Can use whatever chat apps for coordination required - not obligatory the alliance to be very chatty.
Can send pictures at some point if there is interest and an initial match of my interests.