Help me pick my fated summon

Opinions needed!!!
Need help choosing fated summon.
It’s kind of a big deal cuz I don’t get to spend much money on this game so I don’t get a lot of pulls .
I really am lacking red five stars, Was thinking Tyr but a lot of people are saying not to get him.
Some of my best heroes I already have for references are:
c. Kiril (blessed tankard)

What about Grazul for Red? Decent hero and will last you long especially with its tanking stats.

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Honestly the red ones this time around arent great compared to the other colors, I have Mitsuko and she’s great against blue hitters except Sobek.

Personally I’d say skip red and go for:

Tralak if you care about titan scores.

Onatel pairs well with Neith

Freya is just great and you dont have a minion maker or a tank (She excels at both)


Freya and Onatel could indeed help you most.

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Tarlak and Ratatoskar for titans. Heroes with their skills will hold value longer

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Decided thank you all for your help

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