Fated Summons choice

Hey guys im trying to decide who to pick in Fated Summons.

Right now i have 4 red 5s and 6 to 8 5s in other colors. So i was thinking either Tyr or Mitsuko for my pick.

Just curious which you guys would choose between them? Or if i should go a different color because neither are so great?

Is the best option out of the offered red, she hits 3 reduces mana then will reflect damage from blue specials.

Ive had 3 picks myself i chose
Ratatosker, mitsuko and kage.

Also here a poll for you.

  • Mitsuko
  • Tyr
  • Other

0 voters


Mitsuko because her mana reduction and ice reflect will always be relevant


Tyr can be a pain defense with his revive thing, but otherwise he just does barely anything. I’ve de emblemed mine. Mits has more utility.

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Tyr hits very soft. Mitsuko specials will continue to be relevant; lb her for added durability.

Mitsuko or - if you for some reason don’t like her - Grazul.
Tyr aged rather badly, and now when many people have Iris he is even worse. And you never have to many healers :wink:


Hey thanks guys. Always appreciate the help. Always get the best advice here at the forum. You all know what youre talking about.

Wish i could set up polls.

Should be able to set up polls soon. Its under the settings option top right of the box you type in.