Oh! I didn’t think of using the museum! That’s a great idea! Though doesn’t it show some heroes more than once, treating the costumes as if they’re different heroes? (I don’t consider them different heroes; after all, when I get dressed every day, I’m still Bink regardless of whether I’m wearing business attire, a formal gown, an androgynous suit and tie, a bikini, or a clown suit because I’m not different people depending on the fabric covering me) (though if I were actually to buy and wear a clown suit, I’d think it appropriate if people were to question my mental health and whether I believe I have different people “inside” me!).
But a ballpark number is certainly good enough for me, so thanks! (Hell; I’da been happy with “Between 800-1000” as an answer.)
(Trying to collect them all?! I spose there is a handful of crazy people who do that (the ones who seem to spend thousands so they can … well, I haven’t the foggiest what it is they’re trying to do. Brag to their friends that they achieved first place in a tournament one afternoon in a game the friends have likely never heard of? I honest to cow can’t imagine what it is the people spending thousands are accomplishing/trying to accomplish!), but I’m a disabled vet, so I couldn’t collect ‘em all even if I were out of my mind and wanted to do that! If I had some extra money to spend, I’d buy a new DualShock, not some “heroes” in a Zynga game, of all things!)
So we’re talking roughly 800 characters, huh? Wowie! The people marketing this game REALLY know how to wring money out of folks, don’t they? I’m in awe! I don’t actually wanna SEE all the heroes, as I enjoy the surprise of getting new heroes ive never heard of/seen. Well, most of ‘em, anyway; I got a sunburned fat guy today, and he’s one of the types of heroes I think don’t fit especially well into games like this. (Others that strike me as being neither heroic nor villainous are children, dwarves, pets, grandparents, and inanimate objects (like floor and desk lamps, rocks/boulders/stones/similar, fish (because they have neither hands nor feet with which to fight), and so on.) (I assume I’m the only one with this concern; other folks are prolly delighted to attack/be attacked by anthropomorphized office equipment, or rocks.)
Hokay; I’m off to go look in the Museum myself, get a rough idea of how many there are in each category, as I’m curious; it often seems as if there’s an insane number of the things (and tthat’s prolly why they had to turn to things like rocks, office equipment, and other weird stuff that doesn’t attack people of its own volition) and I wanna go marvel at the developers’ imaginations (while moaning about my lack thereof
Thanks for the info, bud; I appreciate it a lot!