11*-12* titan damage

Wow, 11 star titan can one shot a 4* with 900-1100 damage! That titan hit me for sometimes 1000 damage. What heroes to bring?

Its more about what battle items to bring (unless you have a bunch of maxed 5*)

Harpoons, bombs, axes, banners and even arrows can help a lot.

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Attack down items are very helpful, but not a full strategy IMHO.

I jumped from 6/7* titans to 10/11* titans and had the same issues you are seeing.

Do you have Wilbur? If so, bring him + 4 heros of the strong color against the titan.

Use mana pots to keep wilbur’s special active all the time or timed to fire when you can’t match the titans weak spot. This will allow your 4* to take direct hits without dying immediately.


Yes Wilbur can make a huge difference :slight_smile:


I routinely bring axes/bombs plus dragon/turtle banners.

As you face bigger and bigger titans, it becomes increasingly important to drop 3 tiles on the critical spot to stun the titan. Not getting hit is the best strategy for survival.


11-12* titans can one shot like lianna sometimes up to 1200 damage

12* titan can one shot a 4/70 wilbur

So, 11*-12* titan hits like truck and also hits with 1000 damage

Bring horghall, zeline, skittleskull, scarlett, richard, or etc to reduce titan damage

I’m facing 14* titans now; the big ones can one-shot some 5* heroes. Ouch!

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Yeah! It does 1300 damage in total! Bring attack debuffers and don’t forget to bring antidotes, especially if you face the chaos spider, fireblade giant, crystal colossus, armored hydra and icehammer giant. Rare titans, too except for the thunder unicorn.

I’m confused here. I thought you were asking for help on 11* titans.

Now you are teaching @Kerridoc titan strategy?



I’d suggest bringing turtle (or dragon) banners against Icehammer Giants and bear (or dragon) banners against Crystal Collossi. These banners not only undo the special effect but provide a positive benefit. The 50 HP of healing from antidotes isn’t worth mentioning.

Also, the 5* Panacea potion from the Adventurer’s Lodge is really fine. Costly.


Yeah to prevent 1000 damage from titans

For rare I bring Titan shield and 1* heroes.

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