Help for defense team at undead horde

Hello would like to hear your advice on my defense at undead horde.
I would go like this

I think red(attack boost) and blue are set.
My alternatives for green, yellow and dark would be these

What do you think how kann I optimize it.
Many thanks for your help.

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I think undead horde is one that it’s not worth changing much up for.

Unles you have a specific minion killer to add in (in your case Skadi), it’s pretty much business as usual


@Hugh103 You have a decent setup for Undead Horde. I’m a day later than I’d like to be but my dissection video of Undead Horde war defense will be out tomorrow night, still in time for the next war. @Kilted is bang on about Skadi and anti-minion heroes being vital for these wars (and not just on offense). I just finished compiling a few extra stats to show exactly this. The only change I would personally do on the team that you showed is swap Lidenbrock with Kadilen. Lidenbrock is an outstanding healer, but by the time she fires, there will be nobody to heal/boost health on. See the other defense videos that I’ve posted up in the forum and you’ll see that time and time again, a single healer on the wing that cannot revive falls flat. My 2 cents.