I’m assuming there isn’t, but just want to confirm. Is there any changes in loot from a rare titan as compared to a regular titan in terms of titan parts/harpoon loot. By that I mean if I kill a 12* rare titan with the harpoon meter filled, will there be any difference in loot from a 12* regular titan also with the harpoon meter filled. Thank you all for your input.
In a single example, I didn’t see any difference.
The drops are by loot tier. Since you can get to a higher loot tier on a rare 12*, it is possible to squeeze some extra parts out:
Hmm, so pushing it to full might not be a bad idea then. We are at second tier on harpoons, and were discussing if pushing to fill the bar would be worth it.
Thank you for this info
That is really a philosophical question on resources. If the whole alliance is behind the effort and crafting harpoons, it might be worthwhile.
Ding ding ding - we always harpoon on rares for this reason, though lately enough have harpoons that we seem to harpoon anything LOL
Titan drops are titan level related not loot tier.
A+ through C loot drop the same amount of parts.
Gathered over 200 titan parts so far. Harpoon tier 2 on a 12 star = 8 parts. Doesn’t matter is you are A+ or in C loot or killed a rare.
We consistently go for harpoon tier 2 btw. Sustaining harpoon Tier 3 costs too much iron and limits base development.
There are screenshots showing that this statement is not accurate. For example:
There’s a reason I linked to the data thread.
In the screenshots I see that rare adds one extra titan part. Haven’t seen a screenshot that shows a deviation on parts based on loot tier so far in that thread, except for 1 where we can’t confirm the titan because no screenshot of titan.