Hard 5* choices - again

Ascension materials are so rare so you don’t want to make bad choices. I’d value some advice for my next round of rainbow 5* team to fully ascend. I have mats or nearly so. Here we go.
Red options: Marjana, Azlar, Grazul, Khagan
Reds maxed: Anzogh, BT, Wilbur, G Falcon, Scarlett, Gormek, Colen
My thoughts: Marjana or Grazul

Purple options: Khiona, Ursena, 2nd Seshat, Sartana, Boss Wolf, Mok Arr
Purple maxed: Seshat, Rigard, Sabina, Proteus, Merlin, Tiburtus
My thoughts: I’m leaning towards Khiona or Ursena for diversity. Tough one!

Green options: Kingston, Margareth, Horghall
Green maxed: Hatter, Hansel, Melendor, Caedmon, LJ, Gadeirus
My thoughts: Definately Kingston

Blue options: Isarnia, Miki, Richard, Thorne
Blue maxed: Misandra, Kiril, Grimm, Sonya, Triton
My thoughts: Leaning on Isarnia and keep Miki at 3/70 since my alliance fight mostly 8* titans

Yellow options: Vivica, Musashi, Ranvir
Yellow maxed: Guinevere, Wu, Gretel, G Jackal, Li Xiu, Chao
My thoughts: Vivica or Musashi.

A bit lengthy thread, but I’d appreciate advice and thoughts. I will not summon until x-mas event and only have one TC20 running, so alternatives will probably not arrive in a while

I think you’ve narrowed it down the same as I would for the most part!
Red-Marj… since you already have anz and BT for heals
Blue-miki or wait… Grimm is still usable on 8* titans so I don’t think I’d waste scopes on isa.
Yellow-viv… heal plus defense, drool.
Purple-toughest decision imo, but I think I’d do sart. you’ve got a lot of average mana heroes… fast snipe would be nice. But if y’all run purple tanks for war, I think I’d go urs.


Ursena + Kingston + Isarnia + Vivica (great costume for Viv is coming)
Red is the toughest choice: Marjana or Grazul (or Azlar - if you like high damage tiles and fast 5* tournaments)

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No brainer
Red: Marjana
Green: Kingston

I would go with Musashi, because you’re lacking in yellow attack and he hits hard with Jackal’s debuff active.

Ursena would be my choice. Supeb AOE Attack

Toughest choice. I would take Richard or Thorn because they harmonize well with Grimm.

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Titans are not that big a concern since I usually deal most damage anyway. I fight in diamond arena (usually around 2500 cups+) and love offensive raids and AW. I also want an easier walk through challenge events that have become tougher recently. We use yellow tanks, so Guin serves me well.

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Red: Marjana. I’m making the same choice betwen her, Grazul, and Khagan (ok, Khagan wasn’t really up for consideration, but he’s technically an option)

Purple: Ursena

Green: Kingston

Blue: Max Isarnia, provided Miki is already at 3.70

Yellow: Musashi, unless you really really feel you need another 5* healer

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Marjana, because you really lack a fast red hitter aside from the squishy Scarlett. Although in terms of damage she’s one of the softest hitting snipers, but she’s also quite durable.

Ursena would be my pick to ascend first. Larger damage output on average than Khiona, and that yellow reflect is a blast to play with; nothing like watching a yellow titan hit and blind itself :laughing:

Kingston for the same reasons why I recommended Marjana. You’d benefit from having a green sniper aside from Caedmon greatly.

I lean towards Isarnia too. She’s squishy but she’s devastating when she fires her skill. Unless you need a blue tank for wars… in that case I’d prefer Richard.

Vivica, great counter to Kunchen and the only yellow cleanser so far.


Max Ursena and flank her next to Guin on defense! That’s an absolute nightmare to face. Frankly, I’d re-roll.

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Ranvir, Kingston, Richard, Marjana, Ursena.

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Marjana, Kingston, Ursena, Miki (Miki is more than just Titans, he can silence, he’s awesome for Challenge events), Ranvir (or wait… as I’m doing right now).

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Red: Marjana or Azlar, Anzogh and Grazul could overlap. More options with the other 2.

Purple, I’d go for Khiona.

Green, Kingston. The roles of the other greens are better covered by other colors.

Blue, I’d go for Richard, I prefer the target dmg over the AoE attack the speed and it is complementary with ramming pulverizer.

Yellow: You have 3 strong healers atm So I’d go for Vivica.

Didn’t take classes into consideration, just color and role.


I have decided on Marjana, Kingston, Ursena and Isarnia. Still in doubt on Holy. Vivica has much to her, but I will have two 5*s with rather passive skills in her and Guinevere. Would Vivica be of any use at 3.70 being slow and all?

At 3/70 Not really IMO…
but with the coming costume viviva will became a debuffer like kunchen… the only regular yellow defense down hero (until they release the event one)…
So if you think further i think you wont regret ascending Viv… hoping for her custome

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She’s squishy when maxed… I doubt she’d last long enough to matter at 3/70.

But with the other 5s you’ve decide on, you’ll be busy for a while. Maybe a better choice will show up. :slight_smile:


Working with a few legendary hero at the same time is indeed time and resoures cosuming. It had been a month an I barely managed to bring up Marjana to 3 45, Sartana to 2 55 and Miki to 3 40.
Not in a hurry though as I’ve got those heavily emblem 4 * s as a cover.

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Here’s 3.70 Viv:

Very squishy yes, I only use her for my designated cleanup team in war and never elsewhere.


Thanks @Kitten!!

And now I’m thinking about Finding Nemo and jellyfish. :roll_eyes:


Have you searched the forum to speed up the process?

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I guess I am okay with it. I’ve got two tc20 running 24/7 eyeing Joon. The other two producing feeders. Thousands of rugged clothes but already run out backpack.
As a c2p/f2p, I am taking it slow and easy. By the time I get Marjana to 3 70, the two missing hidden blade should be around.

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@Rim - you’re not joking? She’ll learn to debuff defence with the new costume!? If so I’ll definately prioritize her :open_mouth: