Note: This topic is NOT about discussing if Telluria or any other hero is OP or not and it’s also no place to discuss nerfs or buffs. The whole goal of this topic is to collect, share, compare and analyze success rates of certain team combinations. I don’t think this is really possible in the Nerfing Telluria topic, as every post gets buried by hundreds of replies in no time.
As the GTV-Combo [GM - Telluria - Vela] is everywhere right now, I would like to collect some data about the success rates of this synergy compared to other teams.
As I lack GM myself + a lot of other key heroes and don’t have maxed troops or even high emblemed heroes either, I think my own tracking wouldn’t be of much significance.
So I would like to ask others to track their defense wins and losses and share their results with the community.
@D2z shared his results in the Telluria Nerfing Topic:
What would interest me the most personally would be replacing Telluria with Heimdall or Yunan as tank.
So if someone has this heroes ( + GM and Vela would be perfect), I would appreciate it very much.
One further request - please don’t share your data if it’s just final results of one day or less with no ongoing tracking, as it’s also very insignificant. The longer the tracking, the better the results. Intermediate results are very welcome, too, of course. Thanks to all which contribute anything.