Grimm - To Keep or Not To Keep? That is the question

Grimm is a great 4* but I find him a little squishy nowadays.

He stacks well with Frida but I was thinking him to replace him with Frida on offense.
And no, I dont have Athena.

Kiril, Alasie and Magni are staple in my blue stack.
The others are Richard, Isarnia and Misandra at 3/70.
Just gotten Lepus as well.

Frida + Grimm or
Frida + Misandra or
Frida + Lepus (later on) or even
Frida + Richard (I keep forgetting about mustache boy)

Grimm and Frida are awesome together. If they fire the opponents disappear pretty soon afterwards
I used emblems on grimm to toughen him up.


My emblems went to Kage. Grimm will forever be squishy in my roster.

Grimm and Frida are a great combo, but given your other options in your blue stack, I suspect he won’t be a go-to for you on Offense super often.

I would recommend him for Class Trials, Raid Tournaments, and War, though.

I used Emblems on Grimm to make his abs even more rippling.


No emblems…

6x scopes which I will give to Lepus most likely.


He’s squishy but fierce at max without Emblems.

I’m maxing a second one now, who’s currently at 4-67.

I’ve used both together in Class Trials, and I intend to use the second regularly for War.


I dont have much issues with the class trials or war.

Just raids at the moment. I have another Grimm at 3/60.
So many heroes, Triton is still staring at me at 2/1 (based on @Rigs recommendation).

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I like Triton a lot, especially when paired with Proteus. The Defense boost is a nice perk.

I use almost entirely 4* heroes, so for me having Grimm is a big benefit, as is a second Grimm, and Triton.

Given your extensive 5* options YMMV…except during 4* Raid Tournaments, of course.


I love him but I’ve got a much different roster. I know you said you’re not, but I’m giving him all my emblems too-think that’ll put him 827-600-1249 all said and done and a lot faster than a 5*. Just me though. He’s always gonna be squishy but off the shelf he’s really soft. I just want that tile damage and if he manages to get his special off all the better.


My problem is during raids nowadays. He doesn’t get to fire often. Given the new meta and my opposing heroes. They tend to kill him before he even gets to charge up. Im often stranded with 1 man down on offense.

In another thread, I put Gormek’s value higher than Grimm due to toughness issue. Even though Grimm has been a staple on my blue team for the past year even till now.

Yeah Grimm, Triton, Kiril are all hard to keep alive once you’re up in diamond arena or thereabouts. I bring Thorne, Grimm and Triton for stack against GM and other strong red tanks but mainly for tile damage. Need a good board to get them to all fire.

I have 3x Thornes. All @ 1/1.
I dont think they will ever get to wear any warm capes. :rofl:


With that roster, can’t say I blame you!! Poor Thorne, 60 yrs old and still no one appreciates him…Lol


I mean, I mean is the other option to feed him to somebody else?

Wouldn’t you want to keep Grimm for epic monthly events at least?


Dont get me wrong.

Thorne has his value and still functions well as a tank. Just that my roster has more options.

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I must be crazy to feed off a leveled Grimm. Although I did feed quite a number of them to my 2nd Grimm.

Events and stuff, I definitely would use him when needed.

My question is more towards offensive raids.

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Oh for offensive raids probably not. You have better options, especially once Frida grows up. Maybe for the time being, but if he keeps dying on you on a pretty regular basis, I think you have your answer.

His dead-tile-damage is still fine, but I think any of your other options can do that about as well… as well as have the side benefit of possibly living.

I made the switch from a naked Melendor to a Gadeirus because, even though Gadeirus is pretty bad at slow mana, he at least has a chance of firing. Melendor tends to get killed a lot, and he’s going to wait a while for the druid emblems because I’m working on Caedmon.

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The only thing that is still putting doubts in me is that pulverizing skill.

I love that skill but he just dont get to fire it half the time.

Grimm is amazing, but if he dies before firing, he’s just a fancy Ameonna. :man_shrugging:

If you want a decent compromise, you could continue to use him until your Frida reaches about the same level of defense as Grimm and then swap them out. Doesn’t help your off color in raids, but a Grimm who was killed before firing wouldn’t help then either. Sometimes there just isn’t a better option.

I’d love to have a 5* Melia, but you gotta work with what you got sometimes.


I’ll be levelling a 2nd Grimm soonish once I finish Alice (4/62)… Am working on maintaining 2 to 3 ice heavy teams against GM tanks in war:

BT, Wilbur, Grimm, Misandra, Frida

Triton, Kiril, Alice, Grimm, Triton

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg where my roster is concerned.

Before I start on Frida, I’ll be levelling Sonya and a 2nd Kiril too in case I want to go double mono blue.

He’s worth keeping imo… And definitely worth maxing duplicates if mats permit. Currently have 2 unlevelled Grimms with 20 spare capes to play around with…

Got an alliance mate who maxed 3 Grimms and he loves it :smiley: