Everyone was so helpful in my Chesire or Ammeona dilemma that I’m back for more advice!
I have 15 Warm Capes and 3 Farsight Scopes currently, and I’m wondering whether I should work on Grimm (I’ve never used him) or take Frida #2 to 3-70. Given I need three more Scopes to finnish her, she may be stuck at 3-70 for a while.
On the one hand, I’ll finish Grimm faster, and I can use his Ramming Pulverizer in 4* tournaments where Isarnia and Frida don’t qualify. On the other hand, Frida at 3-70 may be more effective in war than maxed Grimm. (Does anyone have stats for comparison?)
Lastly, my other blue choices besides Grimm and Frida #2 are Triton #2, Kiril #3, Sonya #2, and Boril. So if you’d pick any of those over Grimm or Frida, please let me know.
Grimm would be my choice. I Think 1 Frida is enough. As you stated grimm will give you that def down at 4* level. Also, you’ll hopefully get a different blue 5* before you get those scopes.
Wise words @Killen-time. Although my F2P plus VIP budget doesn’t give me many chances at 5* (Jabberwock being a recent anomaly). I’ve been running TC 20 continuously and my last 5* there was Elena on August 5th.
My two Fridas are the only HOTMs I’ve drawn in 14 months of play.
I want to say “no, not really”, but as it happens, I’ve had such a queue of good purples, I never maxed Cyprian. I’ve faced them both in raids, but that’s something else. Still, the most notable difference between them, is that Boril has better defence – which means that he takes less damage (and might survive longer), and so deals less riposte damage …
If you’re not using Cyprian, I doubt you’ll be using Boril.
I have Grimm on +19. I use him on Red Titans and during quests, challenges or war. He never let’s me down. He almost became a 5* to me and his special is better than Richard’s IMO.
I love Grimm. Maxed 3 of him so far. If you are using blue, you want a Grimm on that team. It’s pretty common to get opponents in alliance war with yellow/purple tanksand red flanks, so I have teams prepared for that 3 of them including Grimm.
Def Grimm as his def down will stack w Frida. You do have Isarnia, but Grimm is at average speed and with a nice attack stat to boot. Also ups your diversity in events as you stated so no brainer I think
Grimm. I’d never do TWO Fridas. While she is good, you don’t need more than one. Maybe if you get up to 12 scopes and don’t have other options go for a second (maybe), but Grimm is the easy choice now. He’s one of the best 4*s and is definitely the best of the pulverized trio.
You already have a Frida. Grimm adds more versatility. I bring both on titans and they work great! You won’t regret Grimm. He is kinda fragile, which can be a pain… still, you have 15 capes. You can spare the 4. Go with variety first is my advice.
I’m in the Grimm camp. YES he is a glass cannon. But that’s because his time damage is sick and they have to balance so his defence sucks. But as has been stated, diversity is pretty important. I have a "Neith vs second Poseidon thread going and though it is pretty unclear on opinion because everyone has focused on my Ranvir, the few on topic responses have been max Neith for diversity.
For wars you might find a use for up to six Fridas. Eventually. Okay, that’s academic, but …
Depending on where you are in the game, you could benefit from a second Frida.
I’ve played for 26 months; first as f2p, then as c2p, and I’m at the point where I would benefit from another Frida or two, as I can meaningfully stack three or more blue against two or three strong opponents each war … and opponents frequently coordinate with red tanks, so I frequently do. Each of those stacks would benefit greatly from an elemental defence debuffer like our Arctic Menace.
So, while Grimm seems the better answer for now, I’d not say “never” to 2nd Frida. On the contrary; I’d welcome her.