Green dilemma

I have tonics.

My maxed greens are Kadilen and Kingston.
Who is the one to max next?

Tarlak (I also have Miki, Ranvir and Wu)
Second Kingston

Other maxed 5*s are Onatel, Domitia, Ursena, Misandra, Grazul, Vivica, Anzogh and Isarnia. That means I lack snipers but what do u think?

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Is your Miki maxed? If not, definitely go with Tarlak, gamechanging attacks on titans.
Also if your Miki is maxed, Tarlak could be an option if your Ranvir isn’t maxed yet.
Wont go with a second Kingston, he’s awesome but you need more choices.
So Morgan would be my second choice, cause you haven’t a DoT yet, and with Kingston, Misandra and Domitia a few “snipers”. Otherwise you could wait for the next green, cause I can’t see the really small spot of Margaret’s usefulness in your roster.


Thank you @BeAm

Ranvir and Miki are both 3/70 and I’m going to max Miki right away I get scopes. Tarlak is interesting, both healing and boost are great. He is also my first choice, and Morgan second.

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I think tarlak gets overlooked a lot due to people thinking he is only good for titans

If you haven’t tried him in pvp, i think you’ll be surprised

And he would probly be my pick out of those options

I also second about margaret. I did max her, i do use her, but seldom. She’s not an “every match” type of hero, more like 1 out of 10. Very niche, nice to have but not a must have. I would hold off on margaret

Morgan, solid hero, only hero in the game that “steals health”, her DoT is solid. I dont see maxing her being a “bad” move but i think tarlak brings more to the table

How many TC20s are you running? Might wanna wait for Lianna to pop… I like MLF. I think she pairs nicely with Hansel for a slow-draining kill.

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Would you max a 1st lianna over 2nd kingston?

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I only run one tc20 and my luck there has been abysmal bad. Like crazy bad. Luckily I have had better luck with pulls, I have three Kingstons and I don’t think Lianna is something I should wait for.

I like the idea that there is variety in my roster and Tarlak is nice looking solid hero. I also like Morgan but there is not a place for her in my defence as it is now :disappointed_relieved:

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Hmm. Probably… costumed Lianna with the mana reduction paired with kingston’s Attack down and Eve. Seems like an amazing trio.

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Then sounds like tar would be your best option. And very usable outside of just titans as @Rigs mentioned.


Lol, I only lack Lianna, her costume and Eve, no biggie. Dream team is nearly mine :sweat_smile:


Pulling lianna and pulling costume is a whole lot of RnG tho, could be 2029 by the time both of those things happen

It probly could be the wise play but i think goin ahead with kingston instead would be ok, as he wont be a “regret” due to how versatile he is, he’ll always have a use i believe

That bein said, i still pick tarlak but both make sense