Green 3 Stars

Working on an all green 3 star team. I do not have Hisan yet but hope to pull him this summer. Am planning on having Mnessus, Hisan, Friar Tuck and Brienne as a team. Who should I use as a double of? Hisan, Mnessus or Brienne? Or is it worth it to throw a Berden in there? Thanks in advance :slight_smile: Of course if I get Rudolph again this Xmas, he’ll make the cut. Wont be using him again as fodder. I was young and foolish this past December. Come back to me Rudolph!

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Berden and Carver…
No dupes…

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I have multiple Berdens on my c2p account. He’s ok, but I think I’d prefer multiples of Mnessus tbh.

EDIT: To clarify, I agree with @Olmor on putting Berden in. I was referencing who I would have doubles of if needed. :laughing:


I do love the extra boost you get from Atlantis heros of the same symbol and same goes for two Mnessus which would increase the defense 5%. You really think Berden, @Olmor? If I get a second Hisan, feed to the first?

The Atlantis family boost only comes from unique heroes, 2 of the same hero won’t give you the boost. The boy mermaid is good, but so is Berden


That’s really good to know @Murphy and changes a lot of perspective! Thanks!

What kind of content are you planning for this all green 3* team?

full green team could be useful for upcoming Avalon

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That would make sense. In that case it would be before the summer event & Hisan. My vote goes to adding a Berden then as well

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If you’re planning on just completing Avalon, then yeah those are fine.

If you’re going for high scores, then drop Belith and Friar Tuck. Have 4 Hisans + Brienne, and where you’re lacking in Hisan, use Mnesseus and Berden duplicates.

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Thanks @DaveCozy. Yes, love doing the Rare 3 star event levels and really love when the raid tourney is 3 stars (like this current one.) The all green team will mainly be for Avalon. (And Hisan for future Avalon’s after the summer ^_^) Excellent advice everyone, thank you!

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