Which green 3* heroes must i keep for Events?

normally i have enough 4* and 5* heroes for wars and Events. But dont know which 3* heroes should i Keep för Events?
I have so many green 3* heroes. How many should i Keep? Are 3 enough?
I have belith, friar tuck and brienne maxed.
But have berden, ishtak, 2x mnesseus and hisan. Which heroes should i Keep.
Should i Feed friar tuck and Keep both mnesseus? What should i do?
Thank you in advance

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If you’ve already maxed them, keep them. You don’t get enough out of them to be worth feeding them away. Of the rest, build Berden, Hisan, and Mnesseus x1

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@NPNKY than will i have 6 green. Isnt that too much ?

And is berden better than mnesseus? Mnesseus den dispell, should i ascend both mnesseus instead of berden?

Ishtak? Feeding to another hero?

Isshtak is food. You don’t need 2 of Mnesseus. Berden is like a mini-Lianna. Pure damage dealer

Plus hits the opponent with an attack reduction. Berden is one of the best 3* heroes. I’d make sure you have a Belith as well.

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For extreme performance in events, mono teams are the fashion. Mono green teams are not needed, though, given the current event minion colors. (We don’t have all ice levels.)