normally i have enough 4* and 5* heroes for wars and Events. But dont know which 3* heroes should i Keep för Events?
I have so many green 3* heroes. How many should i Keep? Are 3 enough?
I have belith, friar tuck and brienne maxed.
But have berden, ishtak, 2x mnesseus and hisan. Which heroes should i Keep.
Should i Feed friar tuck and Keep both mnesseus? What should i do?
Thank you in advance
If you’ve already maxed them, keep them. You don’t get enough out of them to be worth feeding them away. Of the rest, build Berden, Hisan, and Mnesseus x1
@NPNKY than will i have 6 green. Isnt that too much ?
And is berden better than mnesseus? Mnesseus den dispell, should i ascend both mnesseus instead of berden?
Ishtak? Feeding to another hero?
Isshtak is food. You don’t need 2 of Mnesseus. Berden is like a mini-Lianna. Pure damage dealer
Plus hits the opponent with an attack reduction. Berden is one of the best 3* heroes. I’d make sure you have a Belith as well.
For extreme performance in events, mono teams are the fashion. Mono green teams are not needed, though, given the current event minion colors. (We don’t have all ice levels.)