Green 3* Advice Needed

I recently leveled up Rekhetre, so I am now using her as my healer in three star tournaments, whereas I used to use Belith. This has led me to discover that I have no green three star fighters.

Below is my current team and the green people I have available. I’m having a really hard time choosing who to go with. Thoughts?

You made it to Level 1 :smiley:

Congrats on1st post.

You have some great Heroes there - but I’m surprised not to see Berden. Would have said he is easier to get than many you have there.

He’s my 3* fast green sniper.

Gramps has useful resurrection abilities but is slow
Noril is useful against Ice and a dual attack but is slower than average
Greville is great for gaining boosted health and attack bonus
Shrubbear is the original Taunt Hero,shielding the rest of the team from special skills but is also slow.
Carver is great for mana control but not much else.

Gadeirus 4* great as a 2nd fighter - hits target and nearby, attack buff and small health regen for nearby. (I find him a bit fragile at lower levels.)

General Yin - nothing to say as I don’t have him.

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I had Berden before and used him as a feeder for Heimdall. :confused:

After reading some of these forums, I would definitely level him up if I get him again.


The good thing is, Berden should come soon enough.

For now I think Noril is worth using, not that fast but does hit hard!


Noril, one of the best green hitters for me. Would max more than one, if I had.

Carver - don’t do him, he is useful only for museum :wink:
Gadeirus without costume is rather useless.

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Depends if you need replacement for Belths dispell.
If yes you might go General Yin.
If no go Norril.

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Noril, no other, max him all the way up, I guarrantee he won’t disappoint.

If you have his family member Maeve also, even better; max both.

With or without her, Noril is an enduring and devastating hero.

Shrubbear is even more valuable if you lb2.

Zarel, being only rare bard can be essential for rush attacks, where she will provide the missing mana bonus to maintain 6 tile charge for solo heroes with costume.


Levelling up 3* her is cheap and fair quick.
When I first started I built 3 x 3 * rainbow teams followed by 3 x 4* hero rainbow teams. They will get you the mats to progress your roster and enable you to level up 5* heroes.

From you 3* in the snapshot I would level up:

General Yin

Whichever heroes you choose good luck

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Shrub and Noril I use heavily. (I have Maeve to partner with Noril, which is great) Zarel I’m almost done with, haven’t tried her yet, but hear good things.

Gramps has never helped me, either I use him wrong, I’m unlucky, or he truly stinks.

I feed away all Carvers, and I don’t have Yin.

That’s the opinion of a 1-year “veteran.”

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Thanks to all for your advice. I definitely want to feed away Carver. I feel like I have gotten that dude about 12 times. Since I have Tyrum to dispel buffs, I will go with Noril.

I definitely want to work on Shrubbear at some point too. I know I can’t stand going up against foes with taunt in the super fast tourneys. Such a pain!