Help me focus on 3*'s

I’ve been ignoring my 3*'s for too long, and figured it’s about time I work on a few as I’m tired of getting destroyed in tourneys. Any advice on who I should keep or start leveling based on the few I have? Currently working on Maeve.

Dawn and Buster are the two who immediately jumped out at me, followed by Gramps.

  • Dawn: Mana cutting minions are unique at this tier and always helpful, even beyond 3* battles
  • Buster: While he is slow, I use him in my Nature Titan team and am happy with the results
  • Gramps: His resurrection is a rarity outside of Legendary heroes and obviously ideal

There are others there who are useful, but these are the 3 I would work on. Best of luck.

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You have a lot of solid ones. Dawn, Buster, Zarola, Fianna, Basil, Rekhetre, Bjorn, Jarif are all very worthy. Finish Maeve too and give Bertulf some emblems…he’s great on titans.

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Zarel, zarola, basil, dawn, buster

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In my honest opinion you have a lot of good 3* heroes. I personally would (and have) level up the following …

Costume Bjorn

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And Planchet of course!

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Finish Treevil (LB) and Bane (LB+Costume),

You have no healers at all, so finish Rekhetre first. Poppy and Sally are good too

Maeve is a good choice for purple after treevil is done. Bjorn is also good.

Blue: Dawn first, Planchet is a good sniper, Jarif is food

Red: Buster first! He useful outside tourneys! CEi-Dun is also a good one, Rufus for rush, the rest is not especially good.

Green: Lots of really good ones! Zarola first, Fianna, Zarel (rush), maybe even Gramps (rush)

Next time you get a Hawkmoon, level her costume (If you have it)!