I’ve been ignoring my 3*'s for too long, and figured it’s about time I work on a few as I’m tired of getting destroyed in tourneys. Any advice on who I should keep or start leveling based on the few I have? Currently working on Maeve.
Dawn and Buster are the two who immediately jumped out at me, followed by Gramps.
- Dawn: Mana cutting minions are unique at this tier and always helpful, even beyond 3* battles
- Buster: While he is slow, I use him in my Nature Titan team and am happy with the results
- Gramps: His resurrection is a rarity outside of Legendary heroes and obviously ideal
There are others there who are useful, but these are the 3 I would work on. Best of luck.
You have a lot of solid ones. Dawn, Buster, Zarola, Fianna, Basil, Rekhetre, Bjorn, Jarif are all very worthy. Finish Maeve too and give Bertulf some emblems…he’s great on titans.
Zarel, zarola, basil, dawn, buster
In my honest opinion you have a lot of good 3* heroes. I personally would (and have) level up the following …
Costume Bjorn
And Planchet of course!
Finish Treevil (LB) and Bane (LB+Costume),
You have no healers at all, so finish Rekhetre first. Poppy and Sally are good too
Maeve is a good choice for purple after treevil is done. Bjorn is also good.
Blue: Dawn first, Planchet is a good sniper, Jarif is food
Red: Buster first! He useful outside tourneys! CEi-Dun is also a good one, Rufus for rush, the rest is not especially good.
Green: Lots of really good ones! Zarola first, Fianna, Zarel (rush), maybe even Gramps (rush)
Next time you get a Hawkmoon, level her costume (If you have it)!