Gargon´s guide to Fated Summon 6

Team for what?

that is the risk of all slow heroes, the question is the risk of dying prematurely worth automatically winning a fight if he fires?
By the ask yourself the same question with all other slow heroes? Will the hero firing increase your chances of winning more than the chance of dying too early and increasing the risk of loosing because of it?

Marjana with 3 costumes is far better than any hero in this entire selection, if you don´t like her, you won´t like any of them and you need to consider spending more money on much stronger new heroes.
Also level 80 isn´t exactly a good idea, if she is the best you have you most certainly need to LB her as much as possible. I have 3 Marjanas (also 3 costumes on each of them) and I focus on a different costume on each of them. Two of them are lvl 90 and the third Marj so far only made it to 85.

Emblem path? attack path if you want to have more damage.

First of all, thank you. By the way, I chose Ludwig from fated summon

I don’t have many strong heroes yet and I use this team everywhere, but I use it most in raids.

Should I upgrade Obakan (Costume 1 or Costume 2), which deals both counterattack and damage, instead of Cyprian?

@Siyah definitely work on Obakan. Sure he’s dated but having his 4 costumes, I LB2 C2 as he gives mana to nearby all at fast speed.

As far as FS, I took Hulda. Ludwig will be #3 or #4 choice, we’ll see how the next 5 months go. I have an overabundance of dark heroes and I have my alpha taunt hero (Krampus w/costume bonus) that Ludwig is a desire but not a priority for me.

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Thanks great big bunches, Gargon; I appreciate what you’ve done here sooo much, I haven’t the words to describe my appreciation. Just understand there’s a lot of it! :kiss:

Next month, I’ll have been playing (pretty intensely! At least half my time has been spent studying and researching) for two years, and yet I wasn’t able to suss out more than half the abbreviations you use in this document. Newer players (and ones who don’t spend nearly as much time studying and researching) are likely to be lost in the weeds even more than I am trying to figger ‘em out. Gentle suggestion: That the first time you use a term you plan to abbreviate, spell it out, please? (FWIW, this is in the style guides of pretty much every publisher in the world, e.g., newspapers, blogs, magazines, book publishers, etc.) This would help enormously, as I’ve tried looking up several so far and have only found one (and I have no clue whether hunting down the rest will be useful or whether it’ll merely end up being something nice to know).

Thanks for considering it!

Again, thanks a million! I’m about to go grab Ludwig but wanted to be certain that people still feel he’s worth grabbing.

Oh! That reminds me: Lewena “blocks talent skill activation” for six turns (and does besides), so I thought she’d be my second choice, but I suddenly had a thought: I’d assumed “talent skill” is another term for “special skill,” but I got to wondering: is it referring instead to things like “X% chance to revive,” “gets a Thorn Minion” (whatever that is/does), and so forth? I think it’s a good thing I’m asking because blocking the talent skill, if it really is a thing, doesn’t sound especially useful, and certainly not something I’m dying to have. I’d thought she was a Ludwig with a better body, but would have hated myself if I’d gotten her expecting her to block Special Skills and instead, she blocks things which don’t really worry me all that much. Would be grateful if someone’d clarify her function for me. Thanks!

ETA: I’d meant to clarify: I’m referring to the abbreviations you used while describing the heroes (AQ1/2, MT, etc; the ones describing hero’s skills (DoT, EDD, etc) I’m good with! :+1:t2:

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Can confirm it is the latter.

The second costume for Obakan is very good and certainly an upgrade to Cyprian in most circumstances, and depending you LBs and so on. The first costume and the original are rather useless of course, but that´s fine.

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Did you scroll all the way to the bottom? I try to include all the ones I use there. Any abbreviations in particular? Or really just any I missed let me know and I will add them there.

Yes talents only, so fighter revive and all those. It´s a very rare skill, but not terribly powerful. Can come in handy on occasion of course, but well… Special skill blocking of course would be far more powerful and really far too strong on that hero.

Just saw your edit. Will add those right away.

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Appreciate your work, Gargon. I was wondering if I was insane for having a list of about 10 heroes I’d happily take from this FS but I’m glad to see my list pretty much lines up with your recommendations.

Milena will be my first pick purely because I don’t have another blue legendary to level at the moment, and lack good blue healers. I’m glad Ray was the mistake since I already have Nedezhda and love her and will be delighted to add Ray to my red team.

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Milena is absolutely amazing! I picked her from that Soul Exchange back then and because of that I had to skip on Arco, but I never regretted my choice. These days she´s a bit on the small side stats wise when hitting new meta heroes, especially since mine is only LB1, but she´s a perfect candidate for that hero coach once that goes live :slight_smile:


Hi Gargon, thanks again for the write!

I have a question on Ray: I am curious who in your mind is the best to synergize with his VFasf EDD?
I can think of Alucard at the same speed and multi-hits, but to me its look like they will not do much damage together.

Also, if one already has C1.Marjana, will Ray value/use-case decrease significanfly?

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C Vanda and Lodius come to mind.

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Good questions.

  1. Very fast EDD is indeed tough to synergize, it all depends who you got. Alucard is a good choice if you fight minions, you can place EDD without touching the minions (C1Marj for example would kill the minions before Alu can remove them). Then the mana from Alu removing minions should charge your fast speed hitters.
    Another recent very fast red hero that was relatively easily available is Ottilia from the Christmas Portal. She could do the kill shot. But yes options are not plentiful.
    For me the EDD isn´t really the main gig, I use him most for the charge dispel, especially to counter Luna/Mena. Then the EDD is just a bonus (also because the EDD is not very high compared to others).

  2. I would say C1Marj is a consideration, as she can definitely fill a few of Rays use cases. Especially is you are thinking EDD mainly, as hers is much better than Rays. Depends on how many other heroes you have of course. It is possible to use both together, then Rays EDD will increase Marj hit. and then she overwrites with a stronger EDD for whoever comes next. Of course C2 Marj would be better in that case if you have her, but well we gotta use what we got. C1 also has the tile dispel function so she can partially cover for Rays dispel as well, but not at the same speed or accuracy.
    So I´d say it is worth considering, but it is not a clear answer either way if C1Marj should influence your choice for or against Ray.


Thanks Gargon! I do have C2 & Toon Marj, and I will likely be take Black Caesar, so now I hesitate on Ray. (Also I have lots of toon to counter those two).
You mentioned C2.Marj is better than C1, i guess you meant for the hit-3 and stacked DD (with Ray) :thinking:

Thanks again! I may consider lv. up another Marj instead and look at other FS option.

Edit After the released of Eliane, we can see that Ray is very nice pairing to her (dispel, edd, burn all supports Eliane to make her 6tiles and hit very hard), and so I change my strategy to choose Ray again :p, I even changed my SE choice to Xiamara

Aethers are no big problem, quality heroes are.
Here are my LB2 heroes and the big Aethers in my inventory, by the way 5 year ftp.

Happy gaming

Exactly, better to add DD to EDD than to overwrite EDD with better EDD. Especially if you already have the dispel covered by Ray and don´t need the super wizard C1.

Yes or 2 or 3… I have maxed 3 Marjanas right now and am considering a 4th… I have 3 costumes and have the focus on 1 of each of those regarding LB and emblems.

Do you have other avg speed reds to play with him? If you are into fast and better reds then an avg speed hero is not a great match for synergy.

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I am not FTP, so it´s not really comparable, but I still don´t spend enough money to have oodles of meta heroes. I “get rid” of aethers by maxing multiples of my toons :smiley: Got 2 Richards, 3 Marjanas (so far only 2 at LB2) and Leo and am thinking about adding another copy of each of them… Anyway I never feel like I could have too many alphas, and even if I didn´t need them for 5ers, I could easily spend 50 alphas on 3 and 4 stars I would like to get there :smiley:


So, if you must choose between Ludwig and Ray? Who is more useable in today game

As ftp Ludwig.
As ptp…depends on your roster but probabely Ludwig. :slightly_smiling_face:


Define usable…

Ludwig is a unique hero, there´s just nothing out there like it. Fully charging other heroes without a single tile…

Ray is only unique in the sense that the combination of skills at 6 tiles is unique.

If by useable mean able to put him on a team and fire his special, then Ray is much easier to use. Being as fast as he is you have a chance to fire him before he dies. Ludwig being slow and with old stats will often die before doing anything, but at least if you have him at LB2 that can be his thing…


Well, I picked Ludwig. I was worried how much usability he have with outdated stats in today game. But his skillset is really unique and he can change the outcome of every battle. Really look forward to use him. Ray will be my next choice