Thanks great big bunches, Gargon; I appreciate what you’ve done here sooo much, I haven’t the words to describe my appreciation. Just understand there’s a lot of it! 
Next month, I’ll have been playing (pretty intensely! At least half my time has been spent studying and researching) for two years, and yet I wasn’t able to suss out more than half the abbreviations you use in this document. Newer players (and ones who don’t spend nearly as much time studying and researching) are likely to be lost in the weeds even more than I am trying to figger ‘em out. Gentle suggestion: That the first time you use a term you plan to abbreviate, spell it out, please? (FWIW, this is in the style guides of pretty much every publisher in the world, e.g., newspapers, blogs, magazines, book publishers, etc.) This would help enormously, as I’ve tried looking up several so far and have only found one (and I have no clue whether hunting down the rest will be useful or whether it’ll merely end up being something nice to know).
Thanks for considering it!
Again, thanks a million! I’m about to go grab Ludwig but wanted to be certain that people still feel he’s worth grabbing.
Oh! That reminds me: Lewena “blocks talent skill activation” for six turns (and does besides), so I thought she’d be my second choice, but I suddenly had a thought: I’d assumed “talent skill” is another term for “special skill,” but I got to wondering: is it referring instead to things like “X% chance to revive,” “gets a Thorn Minion” (whatever that is/does), and so forth? I think it’s a good thing I’m asking because blocking the talent skill, if it really is a thing, doesn’t sound especially useful, and certainly not something I’m dying to have. I’d thought she was a Ludwig with a better body, but would have hated myself if I’d gotten her expecting her to block Special Skills and instead, she blocks things which don’t really worry me all that much. Would be grateful if someone’d clarify her function for me. Thanks!
ETA: I’d meant to clarify: I’m referring to the abbreviations you used while describing the heroes (AQ1/2, MT, etc; the ones describing hero’s skills (DoT, EDD, etc) I’m good with!