Gargon´s guide to Fated Summon 6

Fated Summons round 6.

First of all:
This is by far the best FS selection we have ever had, of course this should be true every time as we get newer heroes every time. However this time, for the first time since FS was started, SG has broken their MO. They did not ride out the CF1 heroes until the end (they still had enough heroes from those families for 2 more rounds, including the Chameleon, which I had hoped to pick up or LotL or Black Knight), but instead chose to add newer hero families. Also the hotm group is not chosen from the oldest options available (as they used to do, 2018 was last round, 2017 the round before that), but from 2023 instead. The newly introduced groups are also not the oldest ones available (like for example CF2 heroes would have been much older). So this is a huge step up from the previous MO of offering the absolute oldest heroes possible (that hadn´t been in FS before of course). All this made the S4 heroes from the highest TP last round to the lowest TP this round (although not by much, most heroes fall in the 807- 823 TP range, so stats are less of an issue now). So in terms of the standard we were used to, SG has really actively done something to give us more useful options. Of course the heroes here will never be current heroes, but still much better than what they could have done!

As always so far: no costumes are included for any of the heroes (don´t believe the max power preview)
One side effect of this choice of somewhat newer heroes: While newer, it also means, they do not have costumes yet and therefore we cannot improve them during the outfitter event. But I think that is a very good deal for us nevertheless.
While speaking about the outfitter, here is what I think it has to do with the FS selection in general: Not really that much :smiley: Yes we were able to pick up old cards and pick up there costumes in the outfitter later, but the frequency of the outfitter (apparently every 3 month) does not give us the chance for many costumes. In reality most players probably already have a stockpile of those outdated heroes that need costumes, so picking up more of them from FS is only going to prolong the queue in the outfitter, not increase the number of useful heroes in your roster. So my recommendation is still the same as before, pick the best hero from FS and not to pick a useless hero, that only becomes good with a future costume. An exception would be newbies who do not have this long backlog of outdated heroes. In that case up to 2 heroes per FS selection (because outfitter will probably appear twice during each FS round) could be picked with the outfitter costume in mind.

If you already have costumes of any of the heroes on this list, picking a duplicate may be a very good idea.

Target audience:
This is a feature mostly designed for people that spend little to no money at all, as all the heroes on this list are badly outdated (yes even with the new introductions this time it is still true) and will not stand up against a team of current heroes. Still and especially with the hike in TP, there should be interesting choices for most of us :slight_smile:

Damage heroes:
They age faster than all other types of heroes, so if in doubt skip the damage heroes and go for functionality and healers instead, for a better value hero. But on the other side if a hero on this list does more damage than a hero you are currently using, then it is definitely a good idea to take the upgrade (given you can actually upgrade the hero to a level where it can replace the older one). Don´t pick them to maybe use them in the future, the longer you wait the worse they get.

Hotm: Obviously they will never run out, as they produce 12 per year and only offer 10 in FS, so this group will likely never get replaced with something else. As I said this time, they didn´t choose the oldest ones out there, but jumped to 2023 instead. I didn´t check, but I am guessing this is first half of 2023 and next time we´ll see second half of 2023? We´ll see if that becomes the new MO for hotms. Also this means no costumes available from the outfitter, only very old hotms have costumes.
This time: A wide selection from strong through niche functionality to bad :slight_smile:
Season 4: Round 2 of 4? The only group of heroes that actually has costumes available in the outfitter, so if you don´t have a backlog yet, this is a very interesting group for you. But also in general S4 has a few interesting heroes worth considering.
This time: Since we got mostly garbage in the last round of S4, we now get some better options here, one of them among the best S4 heroes overall.
AQ1 : This is one of the newly introduced groups and of course come with an absolute highlight! We´ll see what happens here next round, maybe AQ2 heroes?
This time: I bet a lot of peoples´first pick will be here. Also they are getting costumes right now, but it will be 18 month before you can get them in the outfitter (so that is not really much to consider when making your choice).
Magic Tower : Another newly introduced family. The selection here even includes a 2nd generation hero! Well obviously by accident, but still. Again definitely highlight potential! What will we see next? 2nd gen Ninjas?
The first charge is the important one (5 or 6 tiles depending on troop!), while the second charge is just a bonus (sometimes a nice one, sometimes completely irrelevant).
This time: 2 absolute top picks in this group and 3 that I wouldn´t recommend. Kinda black and white :slight_smile:

Individual heroes:
R&N: (TP: 819) Best hotm in 2023, good sniper, with mana steal (actual steal meaning giving the stolen mana to your own heroes!) Absolutely worth using.
Viselus: (TP: 820) Anti minion hit-3 hero, otherwise crap. But if you don´t have other minion killers, he may be worth having for you. Check out Eloise!
Suzuna: (TP: 823) Crap! Nobody needs heal-3 heroes. Unless they also do something very powerful as their main skill and the heal is just a little bonus, like Luna. This is not Luna.
Gilligan: (TP: 821) Crap! Yes some people like him for the mana effect, but if a hero is garbage, making him faster makes him fast garbage, not good.
Turgruk: (TP: 822) Decent Sniper at very fast, but most used for titans for the additional Franz effect in stack form (meaning you can have 2 Franz effects going at the same time!) Used to be meta for Mts, before all the completely bonkers titan heroes came out, but for the CTP crowd still a top notch MT hero.

Season 4:
Zenobia: (TP: 809) Crap! Yes there is this old titan functionality, but it is not really a thing anymore. The effect is there, but so small that bringing a hero with the highest attack stat instead of her, will boost the damage more than her skill.
Fogg: (TP: 807) Decent sniper, with functionality. The dispel can remove taunt for example, the EDD can then empower a following second (or third) sniper to take out single targets. Also good choice for titan EDD. Especially if used for wars a good option for the outfitter costume!
Morel: (TP: 807) Used to be a scary def hero on left wing. Today it is DD to all, but close to no damage. Since hit-all teams without the newest and shiniest heroes are crap, his niche on offense doesn´t really exist anymore. The hero by itself is absolutely fine, but I find it hard to come up with a good idea on how to use him these days. If you can, go for it.
Aouda: (TP: 808) Crap sniper. Most (all?) other yellow S4 heroes are better.
Hulda: (TP: 816) One of the best S4 heroes. Simply a strong healer by itself and worth picking the costume up later! With costume, this is a healer I would play in wars, just pick a target that doesn´t go after minions.

Lewena: (TP: 822) Fast hit all, pure damage (you know my opinion on those). Also a super rare skill to block talents. Not a game changer, but something unique.
Quenell: (TP: 816) She was a monster when she came out, the strongest fast hit-3 back then :slight_smile: Again, see above on damage heroes, but I guess chances are she´s better than what you are using right now? So even though she´s a bad idea, she might be a good idea anyway?
Esme: (TP: 816) Boosted health and anti-fiend action (and partial mega fiend removal). Not much use if there aren´t any fiends and well there rarely are fiends, but if you want a specialized healer for just that niche, she´s one of very few that can do this. In most cases I find it better to simply bring a bigger % heal instead and get rid of the fiends that way, the fiends would have to be gigantic to require a removal… But for the people that already have everything, this may be the thing they don´t have yet.
Eloise: (TP: 822) Minion killer, compared to Viselus, she hits all instead of 3, plus gives future immunity against minions as well. So I´d say she´s the better choice if color is not a consideration.
Ludwig: (TP: 816) An absolute highlight here, probably the best ever hero that came through Soul Exchange and basically a must-pick for everybody who doesn´t have him yet. I might pick up a second one. The only slow hero I play in every war :smiley:

Magic Tower:
Ray: (TP: 890!) SG clearly picked the wrong hero here, but for a change the lack of quality control is giving us a better hero, than they planned :smiley: Ray is a second gen Magic hero, TP is like 70 higher than all other heroes in this round! The hero they meant to go there is Nadezhda :slight_smile: But anyway, Ray is a top notch choice, dispel and EDD (even a little DoT) on super speed. Also being a charge hero he´s a perfect Luna/Mena counter. Second charge is not great, but who cares.
Cristobal: (TP 813) A complicated damage hero. Requires a lot of fiddling with timing.
Milena: (TP: 813) Another absolute top choice, I would say second most outstanding SE choice of all times (after Ludwig) and still a great choice today. Super fast healing/cleanse with a chance for mana boost! Second charge is big damage+dispel, not as essential as the first charge, but still a viable choice on occasion.
Motega: (TP: 813) Minions or Fiends with bonus effects, but not a very high impact special either way.
Agrafena: (TP: 813) First charge seems a bit hard to synergize speed wise, the second charge is interesting with a gigantic attack boost, but as I said, the first one is the important one…

So as a summary:

Top picks:
Hulda, Ludwig, Ray, Milena

All 4 have amazing functionality and depending on each players needs one or another of them will be the top pick. One cannot go wrong with any of them!

Heroes for certain purposes:
For people that really want a green hero: Fogg? Quenell?
For people that really want a yellow hero: Eloise?
For people that want healers: Hulda, Milena
For people that want damage: R&N (sniper), Quenell (hit-3), Lewena (hit-all)

Have fun with your shiny old toys! May they serve you well!


SE = Soul Exchange
FS = Fated Summon
EDD = Elemental Defense Down
DD = Defense Down
DoT – Damage over time
HoT – Heal over time

I hope that covers it, if not let me know :slight_smile:


Yet another sterling breakdown. I already know who I’m taking as my first pick (Milena) but still held off to read this first, just in case I missed something. Pretty confident I didn’t though and I agree with just about everything you’ve said here.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :guardsman:


I use c Hulda with Ludwig having them next to each other creates a mana machine!

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I have Ludwig already from SE. One of my most-used heroes.

I reached 100 yesterday, I am leaning towards Ray with Milena/Hulda as a second choice when I get to 100 again. My red titan team is pretty anemic. But then so is my green one, and my blue one … :rofl:

I can also clearly remember Ray playing havoc with my raid team. He will push poor old Skargremar and Isrod farther down the pecking order.

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I lack greens but you don’t recommend Quennell? Titans are not my priority. Raids and wars mainly and stages.

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Ray and R&N are a great team and work very well in raid (up to a certain level) and against titans. With 18% mana generation R&N charges with 6 tiles and the 10% from Ray (or a minor mana flask), which allows you to take control over a raid.

Ray will slow down the titan and give EDD with 5-6 tiles, while R&N will often prevent the titan from firing and speed up your own team with the titan’s mana.

My red titan team became much better with them:
R&N, Sun Shangxiang, Ray, C-Wilbur and Phenexa

=> So I can strongly recommend Ray and R&N :blush:


Fantastic overview. I’m happy to see that I 100 percent agree on the 4 best heroes. I have Milena already and nabbed Ludwig right when the FS opened. Thank you!!


I think you’re underplaying how annoying it is to not have a good visiting outfitter canddiate in here. I think that makes it much worse than the last FS – obviously costume Gazelle was top tier, but Krampus was good too and Lepiota and Passepartout were semi-usable. There is nothing in this list at all thats usable above a certain level (maybe Ludwig I guess) and no potential to boost them with costumes. Anoyingly, I fed away Krampus and Lepiota to the last Soul Exchange before we knew the Outfitter event existed.

Not everyone has a lot of outfitter candidates lying around. These days, the main way to pick up “old” heroes is through portals like Solstice/Black Friday, in which case they come with costumes. Other than that, I eont think there are many avenues other than Fated Summons for picking up old costumeless heroes?

For newer players like me, I just dont have a roster of old heroes waiting for costumes and was relying on Fated Summons. So the fact that this list is basically terrible is a bit disappointing.

It wouldnt have hurt them to put it a single candidate for FS, maybe someone like Perseus or Loki

Good writeup anyway

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I think there’s something you’re missing though - if there heroes are aimed at players who dont spend much/anything, then these players arent going to have many ascension materials/aethers. So the first question is – are any of these heroes worth limit breaking when you dont have many spare resources? I think the answer is definitely not for 2LB (except Ludwig), and only “maybe” for one LB. I would say that any modern HOTM is better than all these heroes (except Ludwig), so if youre F2P then you’d be better off waiting to pull a HOTM and spending your alphas there.

But without limit breaking, how many of these are really much better than the 4* toons? For example, I dont think’ I’d take Milena over Toon Rigard even trhough she’s faster - they both cleanse, but Rigard has a better heal and does defence up. You can also justify a 2LB on Rigard since it requires less than half as many alphas, and he can be used in 4* tournaments too. In whcih case, he has much better stats than a 1LB Milena

Similarly, Id rather just spend my alphas on Cyprion/Kiril/etc than most of these heroes. I think you could maybe justify Ray (higher defence stat than the 4*s) but thats maybe it. I guess you could argue that Eloise is better than Costume Gormak but its kind of close.

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Thanks! I’m lucky enough to have Ludwig and Milena, and have C-Diaochan, so my fist pick will likely be Ray. I’m a ways away from getting a pull here (45/100), so that might change by the time I’m ready for one, depending on SE and such.

So then I will keep R&N in mind as well. Thanks for the tip.

I remember thinking R&N would work well with Ludwig when it was released. So of course I didn’t get it.


No, players who don’t spend much/anything on heroes find that they tend to accumulate a surplus of ascension materials/aethers as they don’t have many heroes to use them up on. The longer they play the larger the surplus.

They also tend to be the players that rely more on costumes for older heroes and can at the very least use costumes for S1’s. For instance, I ended up with Magni’s toon costume from HA10 but I don’t have a single other one yet. Ironically I have never pulled Magni from TC20 in seven years. Dozens of Joon but zero Magni.


Sat there with 100/100 blinking for more than 3 months, and it paid off. Finally have my Ludwig.


I’m not sure how true that is for alpha aethers (which is the main thing I was talking about). Alphas are quite hard to obtain as FTP as far as I know, even if the recent loot changes have made them a bit more accessible (war chests and super elementals now have them).

They have become a little more abundant with the “Great Loot Renaissance”. I currently have 46. I tend to get them regularly from war chests.

As with most things in-game my bottleneck more than anything is food.

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All of S4 are outfitter candidates. 2 or 3 of them are even good ones. And since you´re not getting more than 2 outfitters per FS, you can´t use up more than 2 anyway. If you want the details they are explained in the costume/outfitter section above.

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Well she is in the recommendations (twice even), but she sure isn´t a top pick, no. Read the section on damage heroes, if you want to know why :slight_smile:

Personally I prefer Fogg, for the functionality (dispel+EDD turns a taunt hero from protector to weak link of a defense) instead of damage and also because he can be buffed with the outfitter. The titan use is just the bonus on top. I don´t need him for that, I already got a good EDD…

But that´s me and my roster, Quenell can also make sense under other circumstances.


My favourite hero in FS is Ray. Already picked him up this morning and he will get levelled soon. Pleasantly surprised that a hero that good and with just about usable stats made it to FS.
The others i would recommend
are Ludwig, Hulda, Quenell - and Esme. I’m still using her and not for her fiend removal. 600 boosted health is not great, but usable for maybe round 5 or 6 in wars. Zenobia is pretty much the worst hero in there for me and i fed her away many moons ago. She finally found her true calling as hero food. Works just like an epic tome of experience. Yes, she is that good!

Good analysis, Gargon, and i hope that newbies especially will follow your sensible advice. In the first year or so of playing i just went by looks and other irrelevant BS. Just as well that more solid information is now available. Thanks!

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Quenell’s costume makes her usable again. Actually, her costume gives her stats that are as good as newly released heroes. Wothout costume…not so much.

As I said up there, he´s an error, he wasn´t meant to be in this selection. But the incompetence at SG quality control (or the non-existance of said department) has done us a favor for once :smiley:

Absolutely, but that is just as well as talking about any other current hero… we don´t get the costume, so all we can talk about is the original.