Gargon´s guide to Fated Summon 6

There is also the fact that Quenell’s costume will not be available from the Outfitter for another 16 months. It was just released in December.

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That´s what I said… or meant to say anyway :smiley:


Okay, it was just meant as a recommendation since i got her costume and the stats really blew me. Was meant as in ‘might be 15 months from now, but still, have a look.’ At least she has one - Milena and Ludwig are in urgent need of one. But yes, i get what you guys meant. Apologies.

Most dont have available costumes though, and the ones that do are awful. Morel is probably the only one that might be semi-usable one with costume, but (as you say) he doesnt do any damage and the defence down isnt really enough. Fogg and Zenobia are absolutely terrible, and the Huldu costume is too new.

Last fated summons had Gazelle, Krampus, Passepartout. Also Lepiota and Deliah were reasonable.

The one before that had Guardian Panther, Mother North, Athena. Maybe Alberich too. Even Lady Locke is probably better than any of this crap.

All of those heroes are much, much better (with costume) than anything in this one

This lot (with costume) arent just bad, they are really, really, really bad. It surely must be deliberate by SG since the outfitter event exists, but I dont really understand why. Theyve literally picked 16 heroes where only 3 of them have avaiable costumea, and 2 of those are among the worst costumed heroes in the game. The remaining one is just bad.

I think players seeking upper-tier relevant heroes have other sources than FS for them.

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They dont though.There isnt anywhere except Fated Summons where you can get good candidates for the Outfitter.

Currently, the portals that give old heroes usually give them with costumes. I think youre underestimating how rare it is to actually get outfitter candidates in the game at the moment. There isnt really anywhere in the game where you are going to pull a costumeless version of a hero like Guardian Panther, Gazelle, Perseus, Lady of the Lake, Loki, etc, since the portals that include them also include the costumes (this is a good thing, of course).

This is the first fated summon that hasn;t given any viable candidates, the last few all had several great options. Speaking personally, I have almost noone to use in the next Outfitter since I dumped all the heroes from the previous Fated Summon into the last Soul Exchange before the outfitter was announced. Literally the only hero I have with an available costume is Guardian Panther from the FS before that one. I would imagine there are quite a lot of other players in.a similar situation.

I am missing the majority of the S1 costumes, and with toons and glass being among the best costumes there are I have lots to work towards from the Outfitter. I imagine there are quite a lot of other players in a similar situation. Ones that don’t chase in the portals.

Using the outfitter on S1 heroes has a big potential to sour a future lucky pull, though. With several free pulls per Costume Chamber, you’re bound to get an S1 with four costumes sooner or later. If you’ve already “wasted” two or three Outfitters to get those, you run the risk of being disappointed on the “value per pull”. But if you need a particular costume for a particular use, by all means.

Finally… redemption from that one mistake that I made in Soul Exchange. Ludwig is now on my roster.

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Been there done that. My one sole 5* toon pull from Costume Chamber was a toon costume I had just gotten from HA10 a month previously. Mind you, it was Azlar, so hard to not feel some disappointment anyway.

But, I also got toon Magni from HA10 and I would gladly pull the others from Outfitter, otherwise that toon costume is a tad wasted. Better the sure thing than the marginal chance.

And your “disappointment” scenario is just as true of SE and FS. Last FS I was debating between Lepiota and Krampus (with the idea I would grab his costume from the Outfitter). I decided on Lepiota, and then got Krampus and costume from Winter Event. That would have been pretty disappointing if I had chosen Krampus and then his costume instead.

Nonsense, all S4s have costumes so that is 5 of them. And the S4 heroes are better this time than they were last time, so their costumes are also more useful.

The seasonal heroes were through, so nothing to be done about that, those families had to end, so there could not have been anymore heroes to pick, like Krampus, MN rtc.

The only group that could have given us more outfitter opportunities would have been the CF1 heroes, where we had 2 rounds left. With 2 interesting heroes. Lotl and Black Knight. But since there were extra red there´s no guarantee they´d ever have given us BK… Anyway, so those 2 would have been an option. Are those 2 better than Ludwig and Milena? I don´t think so, but maybe some people do. Anyway since I have enough heroes waiting for outfitters for many years to come, I am very happy about the change in theory, only I already had Ludwig and Milena from SE, but I hope maybe next time I get stuff that suits me personally better.

Besides those there are a few old hotm still possible which have costumes. We´ll see if those will be offered at some point in the future, but also in this group there is not a lot left that we haven´t had yet…

So in the end I think no matter what, we´ll have to get used to few options for costumes (there simply aren´t many available anymore). But I guess there´ll always be a few. By the time S4 is done S5 should be old enough to go to FS and the costumes will be old enough as well to go to the outfitter.