Future Yellow Titan Team? Am I crazy to keep this many ghosts?

Does anyone use multiple Ammeonas on yellow titans?

This was my plan for future yellow titan team but I could see her not being able to gain mana while in ghost form to be an issue.

Would like to hear your thoughts! :slight_smile:

Please keep in mind this is for a very cheap player that will most likely not see the likes of panther, costume rigard, kunch, chestshire cat - the usual good ones. But RNG has gifted me 3 ghosts :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have Tiburtus or Proteus?

Yes to Tibs but no to Proteus unfortunately. 20 node tibs (no costume) and have another one lvl1 saved.

You possibly could look at a Merlin for mindless attack and Cat for defense down.

I think one Ameonna is alright. Removing 2 ameonnas and adding Wu Kong and Rigard or 2nd Tib in their places + bear flags will do.

Unlike the characters you’ve mentioned, Wu Kong and Normal Rigard will eventually be summoned by TC20 or in other free pulls.

Rigs is on my current titan team but i found his tile damage to be lackluster - recently got wu so I’ll try him out next yellow titan. Lol ame probably not gonna make the cut then cuz she’ll remove wu’s buff when she ghosts and I’ll still have wu’s miss rate on my purple tiles :frowning:

i had a ameonna maxed atk with emblems; in time i ended up feeding her

she is pretty weak and when you ghost she losses all buffs; you will be a bit frustrated


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I usually use Miki and Wilber with my purple team.

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Aw sad no likes for ghost girl, looks like RNG might have gifted me some food instead :laughing:

Are you crazy? A little

The key to Titan damage is tile damage, so having high attack values like Ameonna is good. However, the best Titan teams include

  1. General Def down (eg Tibs, Grimm) best if strong colour - so you have that here with Tibs

  2. Elemental def down. Only Panther for purple, so tough to get that one filled here

  3. Healer Buffer. Eg BT, Rigard costume. Rigard costume is optimal here

  4. Super buffer. Like Wu, Tarlak, Miki. Doesn’t have to be colour specific

  5. One more high attack hero. Ameonna fits the bill there.

So I don’t think 3 Ameonna is optimal, but if you cannot fill the other roles on this colour it might work. Personally not sure I’d spend the materials on 3 of her

By way of example I use this on yellow titans:

Rigs +18 costume, Panther +7, Tibs or Cat, Khiona +18, Proteus + 20

My only super buffer is Wu, so I bench him for his weak colour

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4x Ameonna

5x Ameonna

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