šŸ¦‰ Fulvia ā€“ 5* Fire / Red from Owl Tower

According to my investigation on my Featherino 1-1 and Olbec 1-1 the formula is

Moonrise Strike damage = base damage / 1000 x (attack - defense) + base damage (round down)
with base damage = 50% of max damage

From my Paeia 1-1 I could derive nearly the same formula for the Moonrise Ward:

Moonrise Ward damage reduction = - base damage reduction / 1000 x (attack - defense) + base damage reduction (probably round down)
with base damage reduction = 50% x max damage reduction

The formula looks quite simple and adaptable to any owl hero, so I give it high chances that it is correct.
The data for Fulvia seems to fit with it as well.

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Disappointed with the mana cut skill, she has been leveled to 3/70. Sheā€™s benched, and Iā€™m bringing Cookie back. At least he would be way more useful with the mana stopper on offense.


I have her at 3/70. Very useful against holy heroes

Her healing decrease is also good

Not on my raid attack team or my defense but certainly have a spot for wars. Even with the bug she will be fully leveled as soon as I get the mats


So as the Moonrise Strike mechanic depends on the difference between the in-fight base attack and base defense, you want to

maximise this difference:

  • emblem the owl hero for attack
  • lb and lb2 for even higher attack
  • use troops with high attack increases (like mana troops or even ninja troops)
  • increase your in-fight base attack with growth from goblins
  • decrease the targets in-fight base defense with wither from goblins

increase damage:

  • use damage increasing buffs (e.g. Buster, Franz, Hammertusk, Snowball, Motega,ā€¦)
  • target holy heroes
  • switch heroes elements to holy with Guardian Chameleon and Fishloki

Moonrise Strike doesnā€™t care at all

  • when the target has defense increasing buffs
  • when you have attack decreasing ailments

The Moonrise Strike damage will always be in the range of the fixed min and max damage:

Ommodus Timius Fulvia Olbec Featherino
attack at 4-80 986 1005 1032 724 571
lb2 attack 1246 1363 1370 ? ?
min damage 425 375 310 255 175
base damage 850 750 620 510 350
max damage 1700 1500 1240 1020 700

The attack boosts and defense reductions from goblins will shift this toward max damage and provide some additional damage:

Ommodus Timius Fulvia Olbec Featherino
'-40 defense from Boots 34 30 24 20 14
+100 attack from Goldie 85 75 62 51 35
'-160 defense from Fizzcoil 136 120 99 81 56
+180 attack from Darkfeather 153 135 111 91 63
'-225 defense from Acidfire 191 168 139 114 78
'-300 defense from Deadboot 255 225 186 153 105

Fulvia on attack team
With her -10% mana cut occuring after the defenders got their 100 MP at the end of their turn, you want to avoid throwing too many tiles into the affected targets.

If the targets mana is low, you can throw some tiles into them as long as this doesnā€™t completely fill their mana bars.

If the targets mana is high, you donā€™t throw any tiles into them. As the mana bars are not full, they canā€™t fire their specials. Then they only get mana (from specials and) at the end of their turn, but then it will be reduced by 10%, so next turn they still canā€™t fire, as long as you donā€™t throw tiles into them.


I want to sayā€¦ You gotta really pay attention when you use her. And I think that is the problem. Most people just want a big hit. Aim and fire and deadā€¦ This lil lady requires in fight strategy.

Yes they can still fire there special thatā€™s the problem everybody been having itā€™s not working the right way I like you math you are doing but it has to be a bug or something cause itā€™s not functioning the way you just said it should again the 10 percent needs to be slightly increased it they are going to leave it as ailment doesnā€™t work the same as a buff or reducing with minion different mechanic that they need to work on


The issue is imho the timing of the -10% mana cut.

If Fulvia is on defense, the attacker gains mana primarily from tiles and can fire his special next turn. But Fulviaā€™s mana cut happens between the mana gain from tiles and the next turn, thus preventing heroes to have a full mana bar, except for mages, styx and ninjas.

On attack the situation is different. Defending heroes gain mana primarily from hitting tiles and at the end of the turn. If a defending hero gets enough mana from hitting tiles, they can fire their special despite Fulviaā€™s mana cut.

The situation would be comparable for the defenders, if the mana cut would happen after the tiles have been moved, i.e. at the end of the attackerā€™s turn.

At least, the attacker has some influence as he can usually move tiles that donā€™t hit the affected targets, but it is not that easy to avoid hitting 3 of the 5 defending heroes.
=> depending on the board and the available tile moves it may be tactically advantageous to sometimes only hit 2 targets with Fulviaā€™s special


Thank you.

Here is some more question.

In raid/war, is there any different between attacker and defender for the Moonrise Strike damage ? Do the owl heroes on defense get bonus damage ?

Do the counter attack, elemental reflect, rogue/Margaret dodge and Moonrise Ward work against Moonrise Strike ? I wonder if Moonrise Strike damage is more like normal special skill damage or Gullinburstiā€™s buff damage/Baldurā€™s buff damage.

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No, the defenders do not get a damage bonus.
Luckily I happened to get a team in raid that had a young Timius 4-55 and could test his damage:

Letā€™s see how this damage compares to the formula:

max damage attack defense difference damage calculated damage
1500 1128 1257 -129 653 653,25
1500 1128 1421 -293 530 530,25
1500 1128 1132 -4 747 747
1500 1128 1132 -4 747 747
1500 1128 1138 -10 742 742,5

=> perfect calculation results after rounding down
=> no damage bonus for the defending team here

=> So this also verifies my formula for a Timius 4-55
=> I guess that should also suffice as evidence for the general Moonrise Strike damage formula :blush:

When that Timius is lb2 and has 1363 attack I expect higher damage against my team:

max damage attack defense difference damage calculated damage
1500 1363 1257 106 - 829,5
1500 1363 1421 -58 - 706,5
1500 1363 1132 231 - 923,25
1500 1363 1132 231 - 923,25
1500 1363 1138 225 - 918,75

Counter does work, and so does bypass when the owl has styx troops. Hereā€™s my 2x Olbec 1-1:

I tried to find another owl to raid, but even 600k food later I couldnā€™t find one.

=> since counter works on the Moonrise Strike, it should be deemed as a normal special skill with direct damage and I expect that blind, dodge and reflect will work against it


Thank you very much.

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Would it be beneficial if I visit your alliance so you can test my 4.90 relius and 2.30 fulvia.

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Dlb timius with darkfeather hit real hard 1K to 1200 didnā€™t have me glasses on but is that what I see and all my guys are DLB

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@Zack I have an interesting idea. I think you can use owl heroesā€™ Moonrise Strike to find the base Def value of titan and mystic titan. I think it is pretty useful to know base Def value of titan. But I think it gonna need help from many people if we want to find all base Def value of every titan at any specific each star :smile:.

For titanā€™s attack value, I donā€™t think that will be possible because Atk of titan is too high to use Moonrise Ward to find. It might possible for low-moderate star titan with help of Darkfeather but very unlikely for 13* and 14* titans :smile:

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Or I could temporarily visit your alliance :innocent:

Letā€™s see what we want to investigate and brainstorm on the (hopefully simple) solutions.

Elemental reflect versus Moonrise Strike
This may be tested, for example, with Mitsuko versus Olbec or Timius in a friendly battle. After Mitsuko fires her special and gets reflect for everybody Olbec just needs to fire at any of them and it will reflect or not.
=> I believe I can arrange for this setup in my alliance (an alliance member has Mitsuko 1-1)
Expectation: reflect will probably work against Moonrise Strike


298 damage against Mitsuko
238 from Mitsukoā€™s 80% reflected damage
120 from Mother Northā€™s 80% reflected damage
Damage to Mitsuko = 300 / 1000 x (405 - 409) + 300 = 298 :white_check_mark:
80% reflect damage = 80% x 298 = 238 :white_check_mark:
Damage to Mother North = 300 / 1000 x (405 - 991) + 300 = 124 => min is 150
80% reflect damage = 80% x 150 = 120 :white_check_mark:

=> The Moonrise Strike can be reflected
(edit end)

Rogue/Margaret dodge
A great setup would be Timius/Fulvia/Ommodus/Featherino on defense and Margaret or C-Little John with their dodge buff on attack with only rogues for the rest of the attacking team.
With several heroes effected, they should dodge during 2-3 Moonrise Strikes for sure.
=> I expect I can arrange for this setup in my alliance with my Featherino on defense
Expectation: dodge will probably work against Moonrise Strike


Here Paeia dodges Featherinoā€™s hit with Margaretā€™s buff.

In these two instances Featherino hit 3 and Kelileā€™s rogue dodge triggered in both cases, so she avoided the damage and she provided the dodge buff from her superior dodge to her neighours.

=> Moonrise Strike can be dodged

(edit2 end)

Moonrise Ward against Moonrise Strike
Relius on defense team, any owl hero (even Featherino works great here) on the attacking team.

  • have the owl fire at Reliusā€™ team without MR Ward up and screenshot the damage
  • have the owl fire at the same target(s) in Reliusā€™ team with MR Ward up and screenshot the damage
  • edit: tap on each hero and take a screenshot for each hero, so that all attack and defense values are known (this should allow to verify the MR Ward formula) (edit end)
    If MR Ward works, then the damage reduction will be super obvious as a fixed damage value will be reduce by a fixed reduction value.

=> Can you temporarily set up Relius in your raid defense team, have one of your alliance members attack you and take these two screenshots?
Expectation: MR Ward will probably work against MR Strike

Iā€™m currently asking, if someone beside me in my alliance has any owl hero.
This test should also be manageable with a Featherino 1-1 versus a Paeia 1-1 with accompanying 3* 1-1 heroes :laughing:

Managed to get some data on a Featherino 1-1 (with 407 attack and max 280 damage) on defense attacking my Paeia team.

First, Iā€™d like to point out that the tie breaker applies to turn 31 also in friendly matches as I could see the Moonrise Strike damage go up sharply then, which confused me at first.
Second, here are some screenshots showing the effect of Paeiaā€™s Moonrise Ward:

max reduction attack defense difference reduction calc reduction
C-Little John 80 407 711 -304 52 52,16
Wang Yuanji 80 407 955 -548 61 61,92
Margaret 80 407 371 36 38 38,56
Paeia 80 407 423 -16 40 40,64

=> the MR Ward formula works nicely
=> MR Ward reduces the damage from MR Strike
(edit2 end)

Great idea!

Yes, that is too much for a few players. There are too many titans and the available range of titans is limited by the allianceā€™s titan score.

But it should be easy to do for anybody as soon as one has an owl hero with MR Strike - maybe you need to level the owl a bit for the higher titans.

  1. put the owl hero in your titan attacking team and provide some mana potions
  2. take a screenshot of the titan to record the titan name, colour and HP
  3. start the titan battle
  4. tap on the owl to show the hero information and take a screenshot (attack value and max damage)
  5. use mana potions to charge the owl
  6. fire the owlā€™s special against the titan and take screenshot of the damage
  7. put the screenshot into the dedicated thread (needs to be created first)

If the screenshotted damage value is higher than the min damage and lower than the max damage of the MR Strike, we can derive the defense value from the formula

Well, I just checked, there should be 107 different titan HP for regular titansā€¦
We may have to check, if each colour has the same stats when the HP are the same.
We also need to check for all of the rare titansā€¦
=> that will be a big project for the player base :sweat_smile:

But we only need to have this done once for each titan name, titan stars and titan HP.


This 7* titan with 1,650,000 HP got hit by 279 from Olbecā€™s 405 attack 300 base damage MR Strike.
Titan defense = 1000/300 x (300/1000 x 405 + 300 - 279) = 475 defense
=> That 7* titan has 475 defense :blush:
=> Owlā€™s are great for research :laughing:


  • added the results for the dodge mechanic
  • added 3 more titan defense values:

Titan defense = 1000/330 x (330/1000 x 454 + 330 - 330) = 454 defense
This Demon Lord 6* 1,386,000 HP has 454 defense

Titan defense = 1000/390 x (390/1000 x 476 + 390 - 400) = 450 defense
This Demon Lord 6* 1,320,000 HP has 450 defense

Titan defense = 1000/360 x (360/1000 x 487 + 360 - 374) = 448 defense
This Primal Lizard 6* 1,320,000 HP has 448 defense

=> Is there a small range for the titans defense or does each colour really have different defense values when they have the same HP?


The mana cut mechanic on Fulvia is not very useful in its current implementation, itā€™s effectively another form of mana generation slowing and not a traditional cut as it does not prevent already charged enemies from firing. This makes it quite weak. Comparing Fulvia (up to 1240 damage at average speed) and Timius (up to 1500 damage at fast) I think Fulvia can easily be reverted to her pre-beta hit-all enemies form, or have the effect increased to around 25% per turn.


Thank you seem like only people saying this is the people who have her and tested her out and I definitely agree with what you are saying the mana reduction is nonexistent needs to be slightly increased

Itā€™s hard for me to really picture the problem of this mana cut as I donā€™t have her. So my guess is that the mana cut has normal priority and goes first before other mana genning effects activate

Itā€™s just not noticeable. Neithā€¦ Mama cut . Their heroes, if full, donā€™t go off unless you throw tiles at them again.

Hereā€¦ It is ailment applied, tiles, mana gain from tiles, if fully charged, special goes off, if not fully charged, passive mana gains and then at this point mana is reduced. So I guess if they passively fully charged and then get cut backā€¦ Okay, they were prevented from going off, but as it stands it seems pretty inconsequential for a new mana ailment.


Yes, I wish I have one :laughing:

Let call it ā€œTitan projectā€ :smile:.

Since it need many people, I think the ā€œTitan projectā€ have to have its own thread.

I think I gonna tag your assistant here @G_H_O_S_T :rofl:. I think he can help you to create the thread and guide.

I have another minor question.

Does Shaalā€™s ā€œAll Holy allies receive all strong damage as regular damageā€ work against Moonrise Strike ?

But it seem to be very hard to test because it is very hard to find Shaal :smile:.


If it is indeed 10% of existing mana and not 10% of the mana-bar, then the Cut amount could make sense suddenly. But it really just makes the ability a little week compared to the other mana control heroes.
New mechanisms and all, it should just be 10% and after your own turn, to reduce enemy specials from firering. Several top100 players are running the bird on defense so canā€™t be all bad. Unfortunately I am a few rings short at moment.

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