🦉 Fulvia – 5* Fire / Red from Owl Tower

This may have been answered… but the cleric talent of resisting mana ailments… does that apply before or after her family bonus? Because if it is before… kinda stinks. Ditto with sorcerer talent giving the mana down…

I have questions about how good fulvia is… I’m hoping ya’ll find her to be amazing… but initially I am bit skeptical of being amazing… good… yes.

against boses they always do minimum damage as bosses have crazy high defense,

I am grateful for the information. This confirms my previous statement that the enemy gains more mana each turn without being hit by tiles. Subsequently, she reduces the mana by 56mb each turn, but the enemy gains 100mb per turn which renders this ability useless in its present form. As I have mentioned before, it should be slightly increased so that it can cancel out the mana they gain per turn. In the video, her special ability reached its maximum level of 8/8.if I’m reading right you said she is only reducing 6 percent of mana per turn ? And I had a level 23 magic troop


is it just me or is the entire owl strikes are not good by design…

they’ll get weak against higher stats since nothing much can improve their damage value during the battle (growth and wither are too rare)

i know other heroes get weaker with time but they can stay around longer since they can do higher damage with attack buffs and different enemy defence reductions available (normal, elemental, special skill,…)


agree, they come in game totally different from beta, in this way they wasn’t tested, rhey put it on game and left for holidays,

what it will be who knows when they see metrics that they like to watch


That -6% refers to Marjana from @Riverwind 's video. At 1:37 Marjana has a -6% mana per turn ailment and I assume that this Fulvia’s special is not maxed yet, but at 4/8:

Your Fulvia on the other hand gave Milady de Winter -10%:

=> the -10% works for a maxed special

The defenders do not necessarily get more mana each turn. As we saw in the case with Marjana the -10% mana cut depends on the actual mana, not the max mana.

How much mana a hero can accuulate depends on the hero speed and the hero stars.

The mana bars for heroes on defense are as follows:

base value 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* mana modifier
factor - 1 1.04 1.081 1.124 1.168
very fast 650 702 730 759
fast 800 800 832 864 899 934
average 1000 1000 1040 1081 1124 1168
slow 1200 1297 1348 1401
very slow 1350 1459 1517 1576
slayer 1100 1189 1236 1284
Charge 1 490 529 550 572
Charge 2 490 529 550 572
Charge 3 490 529 550 572
Magic 1 550 594 618 642
Magic 2 550 594 618 642 -22%
Styx 1 600 648 674 700
Styx 2 600 648 674 700 +100%
Styx 3 600 648 674 700 +100%
Tides fast 800 864 899 934
Tides average 800 864 899 934 -25%

For a defending fast 5* with full mana bar the 10% cut would remove 93 MP, after gaining 100 MP from the end of turn.
For a defending slow 5* with full mana bar the 10% cut would remove 140 MP, after gaining 100 MP from the end of turn.

Let’s take a look at your video and Milady de Winter losing 10% mana:
Assuming that one turn had already happened when the video started, Milady had then accumulated mana from 5 turns (=5x100), 7 combo1 tiles (=7x75), 2 combo2 tiles (=2x68) and 2 combo3 tiles (=2x60), which is 1281 MP.

=> Milady gained the 100 MP at the end of her turn, then lost a bit more than that from the 10% mana cut.
10% of 1281 = 128 MP

Did you level Fulia after the battle some more and only then reached level 3-39?
If you had +20% attack from magic troops level 23, the I expect that Fulvia’s card showed 758 attack. That would give 909 attack (= 758 x 1.2) in-fight and then the formula would result in 393 damage as shown during battle

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@zack thanks again for the information guess she really is reducing 10 percent mana and yes I did level her some more after the video

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Im quite sure they will keep those owl stats updated for quite some time from now on - its one of SGs newest event & they want people to summon
Thats why im also sure those owls will be looked at & buffed by SG before next owl tower

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Have we found any interesting synergies?

If you have hathor resist ailment up, does that prevent the family bonus of mana up from landing? What about if the cleric talent prevents a sorcerer mana down?

Honestly… I want to live fulvia, but I don’t know that it is going to happen.

How about damage boosters like Buster, Franz, Hammertusk or Snowball?

It does boost damage. I used motega… It adds.

Thanks my teammate on defense by the way… So…

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The mana cut is not what i hoped for


In my mind… I saw fully charged heroes being knocked back for at least 3 turns unable to get any special off.


This is not what I expected. Read the card as a red version of Luna. I pulled her, but she’ll stay on the back burner in this format.


I was happy when I got her from the portal, description was very promising. I leveled her up and gave emblems to. Unfortunatelly testing her left me disappointed. In her present form she’s rather useless. Pity. She was supposed to be a queen.


Should we report this mana cut as a bug?


It isn’t a bug… Just kinda sucks.

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Yea they need to slightly increase cause it does nothing at it’s current state

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What is the formula of the Moonrise Strike’s damage of the new owl heroes ? I never have any chance to test it because I don’t have any owl heroes.

And do you know the formula of the Moonrise Ward’s damage reduction from special skill of the new owl heroes ?

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