🦉 Fulvia – 5* Fire / Red from Owl Tower

If you are talking about Luna she is top 5 hero in the game right now this owl is nowhere near Luna if they fix the mane reduction she will probably take Luna spot


Both passive and active abilities. A lot of heroes Can steal and even redistribute mana, Luna of course most desirable. But Fulvia only reduce mana from the hit enemy right? If the mechanic changes/improves Fulvia will for sure be a more popular hero!

Yes three hero’s for three turns Luna only reduce for 5 percent each turn to randoms enemies but with the owl you can target it which is much better and 10 percent mana reduction with a hard hit as well

Yeah it is a good point. Often I struggle against Luna if you are not removing her early enough, but the random hits for sure rely a bit on luck for the opposing team. On attack, the Focus of knowing who you hit can be an advantage!
But I am lucky enough to suddenly have Four top tier heroes to advance, just takes a while to get them there.


You want me to test how the owls two particular owls one being a five-star and I have the four star damage scale differentiates when hitting Titans?

I can figure out the Shaal thing easy if need be just let me know @Zack


The main difference between her and Luna is Luna’s is a buff and Fulvia has a debuff. The debuff is wayyyyyy less effective. Nowhere near the impact of Luna.

The 10% also doesn’t seem to do 10%. It really doesn’t make an impact like Luna does


Please fix the mana cut like the way that luna does


@G_H_O_S_T yes, please!

So we need

  • a Shaal on defense with 4 more yellow heroes
  • a hit-3 or AoE 5* owl hero with Moonrise Strike in the attacking team (Timius, Fulvia or Ommodus)
  • one screenshot of the MR Strike damage when Shaal hasn’t set up his protective buff yet
  • one screenshot of the MR Strike damage from the same owl when Shaal has set up his protective buff

The difference should then clarify, if Shaal’s buff helps to avoid the extra damage of MR Strike against yellow heroes

@G_H_O_S_T Do you want to create the spreadsheet of titan’s atk/def/hp database (like the Defensive Mana spreadsheet) ?

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I think we need a separate topic requesting complete rework of her skill…


She is too weak… better was if she could deal damage to all to start with… the mana cut is also weak for a average hero


I think your guarantee will be incorrect. Ive argued with support and apparently not many people are complaining about it besides me. They said it is working as intended, the mechanic is not intended to stop fully charged heroes from firing, just to slow the characters who didn’t get fully charged. These guys are so gross, please go file a ticket so they won’t act like everyone prefers it this way. They only fix things if a lot of people complain, and everyone seems apathetic because they never fix the stuff we complain about in here. Let them know how broken this card is.


@PlayForFun would you kindky support us with this? Thank you.


I got three of these stupid things. Nothing else would drop but that card, of course it would be broken.

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Can you please open the topic in Bugs and Issues?

There is hero balance discussion for fulvia

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They should give her a buff as she needs it. Most likely, they will increase her mana cut slightly which will greatly benefit her. Giving her a stat boost will also be perfect for her. I already have her at 4/80 and just need emblems to complete her. I really like her and will definitely DLB her. I have some goblins that can raise her attack, but I would really prefer if the mana cut could be increased.

You mean start a new topic?

Do me a favor and ask them to also rework Kettle, buff Tenebrae and restore Telluria to her former glory.