I went with a little more Atk, but still 2 nodes short, and no LB……yet
Using him primarily on titans I am leaning towards the crit side on 19
I have him at 75+19 and went mostly def and health. without giving him any attack nodes, he still does a suprising amount of damage. Pairing him with Almur (70+15 def), I was always debating who to fire first, but after some testing, i get more return by firing almur first while Boril is rubbing his hands together haha
Just got him today. He’ll be fast tracked and hopefully be ready by the time a VF event takes place.
Got in a 10 pull that was it will max
Did a 10x Pull today and got Franz as well, very excited to level and use him! He is going to be a GREAT addition to my roster
Well I don’t know why everyone is so excited by Franz because I level him up and most of the time he don’t have enough time to charge up before die and I don’t se his purpose anywhere else except fast raids. So I eat him up for second lianna and not sorry for that
He’s amazing for all titans and if you pair him with xnolphod and/or toxicandra (if you have them) he gets much faster.
Lol just using Wu Kong and Guardian Jackal alone I get 6k tile damage on a titan. Absolute max would be above 10k tile damage easily.
I was talking about maxing out special skill damage…
Your loss. People say he’s great for a reason. I use him quite often as do the people who sing his praise here.
Well I don’t think so it is better than Sergei so I think I’m going to pass
I have no idea what Sergej has in common with Franz, but than I have already seen some posts by you were you made some, let’s call it interesting, choices which heroes you feed away so probably using Franz for lianna was not the worst choice…
So a tool needs to be useful in all situations to be worth anything?
I’ve had Ratatoskr at 3:70 for several months. Pulled Franz last week. Will my titan attacks benefit from a 4:80 Rat or should I leave him at 3:70? We face 13 and 14* titans. My only emblemed 5* healers are MN, Alberich, and Alexandrine. I have very few monk emblems to put on Rat.
Franz is really great against titans. IMO, outside of rush tournaments, this is where he really shines. Against blue titans, i have tarlak-franz-liana-frigg-almur. In this instance, the v.slow speed isnt a big problem, a large mana pot solves this already. When evrything is setup- tiles deal 8-10k each.
Sorry if this has been asked before.
Does his debuff work against blue mythic titan?
Is it worth it to lvl a 2nd copy of him?
As I recall other have written that yes, it is wokring.
Thats great considering j dont have rat for blue MT