Found a way to farm troops

So I have been doing a lot of reading trying to figure out how to farm troops. Everything that I have come across as said the troops are random drop up and they really can’t be farmed. I believe I have found a way to gain more troops. I came across this method during the last Atlantis event while farming for recruits. First you have to fill your hero roster until you only have one empty spot. And then you must have loot tickets and full energy. Then go to your favorite farming spot I prefer to use 8- 7. Every time I have done this I have only gotten one hero as a reward and the rest in troops. It is my belief that the game recognizes but you can only hold one hero so it doesn’t give you any more than you can hold and gives you troops instead by default. I have employed this method multiple times with the same results. Typically I end up with three or more troops if I use all 35 of my energy.

Thank you guys for all your constructive criticism it has made me rethink the situation. I may have been a little low on the amount of troops that I said I was getting. I think I’m going to continue experimenting with this method and this time I’m going to keep track of the data on how many troops per pull I’m getting and in a couple of months I will try to repost my findings. I will also try to run the numbers during regular farming and see if there’s any difference.


@Judaas123 Welcome to the Forum!

@BarryWuzHere any thoughts on collecting data for this idea, or insights existing farming drop rate data can provide?


I thought you stopped receiving heroes once your roster was full? If so, in this scenario you might have received more than the 1 hero and still receive the 3+ troops.

Honestly, 3 troops seems rather normal for farming 8-7 with 35 WE. Could be wrong tho. Would love to see data on this.


Not really sure about all the data perhaps somebody else will read this post and crunch the numbers.

Yer, that’s 11 runs. I’d be disappointed not to get three or more troops.


I agree with the Bard. 3 troops is low in 11 runs at 1-8-7 as 4 or 5 troops would be my minimum at 11 runs if I use loot tickets.

However, if you are talking about the same stage and same province but only in Season 2 during Atlantis Rising when the energy expenditure would be reduced to 3 WE, still, 3 added troops in 11 runs is pretty low.

1.8-7 is great for farming troops because it is a 3 world energy stage.

But mostly 1* troops so hoping Hero Academy, or Season 3, gives us some way to get troops.

Looks like the expected number of troops would be 2.45 per 35 we ( 0.070 per 1 we ) but it is a very low drop rate so RNG.

From the expected 5.95 Heroes per 35 we ( 0.17 per 1 we ) you are losing 4.95+ Heroes.

(Barry Farmz Here -- Comprehensive data driven farming guide for Season 3, Season 2, Season 1, Elemental Chests, Atlantis Rises, Missions, and more)

We would expect the same number of troops in this situation, more heroes, and three times the loot rolls


Click for notes

Most Adventure kits/ backpacks

Province 1.5 and 2.1 have effective 2 kit rolls per 1 ascension item roll


AR.1-X Normal

AR= 3we ( +50% loot ) = 3 rolls per 1 we= effective 6 kit rolls per 1 we


2.1-X Normal

6we = 1 roll per 1 we= effective 2 kit rolls per 1 we

2.1-X Hard

10 we= 1 roll per 1 we= effective 2 kit rolls per 1 we


3 we= 1 roll per 1 we= effective 2 kit rolls per 1 we
Missing several 4* ingredients and 3* ascension items.
Most monsters per 1 we ( except during AR )
Most troops per 1 we ( except during AR )



That’s correct you even get a warning if you try to farm with full hero roster, that you won’t get anymore heroes. But… I doubt that you get more troops because of that… If you use loot tickets you can get that perception because you’ll see a lot of troops.

Iam pretty sure that farming this way will not provide more troops but less heroes.
3 troops out of 12 runs looks just normal for me on 8-7.

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