Former The Black Knights Alliance Members

So the leader of The Black Knights kicked everyone in a temper tantrum, we have started a new alliance Dark Triumvirate. Hope you read this and come back to the fold.

Pretty laid back group. Need to hit the titan and participate in wars. Can’t miss 2 titans in a row or 3 titans in a week. Can’t miss titans. Excused absences are fine.


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One piece of advice for the future:
if you have alliance buddies that you like, then by all means establish contact with them in Line or another chat app of your choice. Then you cannot lose them like this.

I speak from experience.
It took me and another alliance buddy several months - and immense luck - to re-establish contact with a former alliance buddy from another alliance who did not have Line.

With a huge piece of luck, my buddy found the guy. And he is now in our alliance.

I hope you will find your alliance buddies again.

And, let me tell you, that temper tantrum guy’s reputation in the game will be shot. No matter what his team power is. We have had two such cases in Germany (two that I know of) - and both those people have since disappeared from the presence of self-respecting players. Goodbye and good riddance :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the advice. We had about 1/2 in Line and some have found us through this post. Going to push for Line and/or other communication means.

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For the time being we went back to the previous name The Black Knights ( since the alliance leader dissolved the alliance after he kicked everyone) we were able to get the name back.

I have to say though what a BS situation this has been since we are back at 1* titans and have been for 4 days now. There really should be a way to get credit back for all the hard work that the other 29 people put into the alliance. Reactivating a dissolved alliance would be so much more helpful than waiting months to get back to our former status.
Only found about half of our crew and many of those are off mercing because 1* titans does not cut it for the level we are at. This should not have happened !