First potentially dead 8* looking for a hitter or two

Olympians is very close to bringing down our first 8*, (7*s are pretty easy for us now) and we have 2 spaces for active chatty players.

We’re pretty relaxed, have a range of time zones and also have a very active core membership, especially during alliance wars (we are 3 victories for 0 defeats so far).

We have a seperate discord chat channel but its not compuslory. Plenty of banter if you want to take part, but we’re happy to have silent hitters too.

Worth baring in mind, we use English to coordinate and theres a fair bit of joking/swearing so adults only please.

Check us out
Merritt (TigerT…)

I’m interested. Part of an alliance now and like these guys, but they just don’t have the hitters to take down anything above a 7, and then only occasionally. I hate moving on, but progression and fun are why I started playing in the first place.

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OK mate, feel free to jump over. We took down that 8 but missed out on the following one. We never miss 7s though. Still undefeated in alliance waes :wink: