👑 [Feb 2020] Knights of Avalon Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

Share ur roster and we will help u. Next event will be yours :wink:

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lucky with 10 minutes to the end

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The only question I can answer with certainty is you don’t need emblems. Heck, I don’t even have a fully leveled 4-star team and I ranked 600 something on legendary. I didn’t even use a single 5-star hero, let alone emblemed ones. edit: you don’t need emblems for rare either. But you do ideally want a good team of high attack heroes like Gato, Namahage, etc. Costumed hawkmoon, costumed brienne, costumed gunnar helps a lot too.

The other questions, it’s really a lot more nuanced, and not as mechanical as the strategy guides make them out to be. Well, maybe it is that mechanical in the top 10 level, but I’m not there.

I know for a fact that for top 1000, you don’t need to be super optimal at all.

And there’s no set time when to use items, and what items to use, whether it’s damage items or mana pots; it all depends on feeling and experience.

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I waste all my lucks of this year already


I seem to notice that people who do really well in the rare hero events and in rare hero tournaments seem to use or have lots of Namahages. When you go through the top 100 ranked players in these events, he pops up everywhere. Some even use five of him. I don’t plan to go that far, but I have pulled a swap of him a couple of Atlantis summons ago, and I think I might move forward with using two of him.

You are probably noticing this in their defensive sets, and I think it’s because Nomahage also utilizes an Attack Boost feature that compounds with each attack on him in a 5-turn rotation. That can have devastating consequences on an offense when he’s the only one to attack.

Any chance I get find a bookmark for the complete @Mariamne’s Challenge Event Guides? I would like an early look at Pirates of Corellia.

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Sweet! Thanks, man!

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200,000 gems saved for guin:

4 BK
3 LotL
1 Morgan
3 King Arthur
12 JF

0 guin


$2,000 bucks going for Guin?? I hate to say it but she’s really not that good. She’s not bad at all, but Jesus that’s so much money…

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Don’t remind me. Super duper disappointing, but now I have my sights set on ursena.


Only 12 JF? Seems kinda low

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lol and i was pissed not getting her with my 8000 gems :rofl:


Yeah I was embarrassed to admit it, but let it serve as a warning to you, my friends.

I’ve since set some personal spending rules and I’m sticking to em, hero or no hero.


Thanks for your transparency, I think it benefits the whole community :slight_smile:


Has the July thread been started yet?

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I don’t think so… was looking for it as well.

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200,000 gems to try and get Guinevere. I do somewhat feel the pain of your disappointment in not being able to summon her. But on another side of the flip coin, if someone offered me a choice of four Black Knights, three Lady of the Lakes and one Morgan Le Fay, or… just one Guinevere… well, you do the maths.

Still no sign of the July thread. Is it up to us to start it? I’ve been wanting to discuss who I should consider leveling for weeks now. I know red teams will be in abundance even though the reflect colour is blue. Sadly I didn’t get GF or GJ last month and my only elemental defence down hero is Nordri so not sure what approach to take.