☀ Eset – Season 5 Hero – 5* Holy / Yellow: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Need to up her damage to 300% with subsequent hits if they keep her at slow speed, garbage as of now. Could only see using her against a LB2 taunter to take them out, but at slow speed… GL

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she’s got that Marilyn Monroe thing going on


Finally my holy (and dark with Norns) titan team is eSET


She is the best companion to Gazelle if you have her, since she is a heavy titan dmg dealer without buffs :slight_smile:

Would love to have her or any other two, especially Anubis, but im not spending with this balance fiasco going on…



I think she can nuke someone better with quintin



This was exactly where my brain went when Set and Eset came out! :rofl:


This hero has such a beautiful design. I don’t have this hero my nepfew has it. I suggest to increase attack from 180% to 230% which means 50% up and the tiles duration from 3 to 5. Everybody confirms that this hero needs a good buff to be at least comparable with others season 5 heroes and see her appearing in defence teams. With respect to big balance update. Thank you.

As I see it, Eset is good where she is. There’s nothing wrong with her because she isn’t an over powered hero. Her speed is on point with the damage she does and her tile enhancement means we need to play around with the board in order to get the best use from her. She is a great hero paired with either Rhys or G. Gazelle. No need for a buff or nerf. Not every hero needs to nuke the entire board.


Make a balance discussion for Eset.


Here is it for you:


Where are earth are you getting a tile duration?

The tiles are altered until used (i.e. matched) or overwritten by another special (Rhys for example).

Perhaps you are confusing the tiles with the passive which triggers 70% of the time she casts her special which has a -34% attack as part of the passive and THAT does have a duration of three turns.

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Hahaha yes I have been mistaken and confused others but this makes the hero even worse.


I used her today at 4.50 against a 14* dark titan.

Attacks were around 1600 for the first, 1200 for the subsequent… 88k on a pretty average board. Jakal’s elemental def down and brienne’s scaling def down… It’s ok… But… I think i was hoping for more. Just something that made her really special against titans…

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I maxed her and have her at +20 for titans, use Jackal for EDD, Zekena for DD, Eset for tile boost, C-G Gazelle for attack boost and Franz for damage increase.

I use a Bear banner to start all titans and a Harpoon when stunned before the first special is charged and two to three tornadoes per flag.

She has led to an improvement on dark titans by perhaps 30k/flag. The balance update will be a slight help because her attack stat will get a little boost.

I am reluctant to Limit Break her because she is purely a titan specialist for me.


Exactly… like I comment here ⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Eset I don’t care much about increasing further my titan damage and I don’t think many care. You can’t catch two bunnies either you make hero for titans or for raids and defences. Few people are gonna LB her, not because she is bad because she is not flexible. This is such a nice hero to see in defences her design, her special skill animation, even the myth of Eset in Egypt plays a role Isis - Wikipedia (notice that the name ‘‘Isis’’ changed to ‘‘Eset’’). But if they don’t restore this card it will be forgotten.
I had limit break Anton and later I realized the mistake (without a connection between 1st and 2nd speed you kill the hero) hopefully soon we could take the eathers back.


thanks for sharing your thoughts on her! agree, I will max her but not limit break her, as I will mainly use her for Titans - and for Dark titans, even.


If Eset cast his special skills, it will overwrite the -50% attack from the tiles right?


It will. There can only be one effect on tiles at a time.


Just like Rhys !! Noice !!