☀ Eset – Season 5 Hero – 5* Holy / Yellow: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Exactly… like I comment here ⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Eset I don’t care much about increasing further my titan damage and I don’t think many care. You can’t catch two bunnies either you make hero for titans or for raids and defences. Few people are gonna LB her, not because she is bad because she is not flexible. This is such a nice hero to see in defences her design, her special skill animation, even the myth of Eset in Egypt plays a role Isis - Wikipedia (notice that the name ‘‘Isis’’ changed to ‘‘Eset’’). But if they don’t restore this card it will be forgotten.
I had limit break Anton and later I realized the mistake (without a connection between 1st and 2nd speed you kill the hero) hopefully soon we could take the eathers back.