I feel that SG designed this boss stage specifically to give Gobbler some love. The poor chameleon general has not gotten any love since day one.
so how Skadi did being that those minions are really buffy?
It has status ailments and stack protection, was Skadi useful?
Yeah, but really, you’d be bringing her for her minion clearing ability as her minion will eliminate all the minions each time they hit, and I assume they don’t get the 50% miss rate, thought I’ve never tested that.
Its not mine but I don’t think Skadi works there, better take a minion destroyer (Grimble, Gormek, qGobble) or Noor for minons, or Devana’s minion if you don’t have other choice
got ya, that is what I thought
Interresting point. I have never thought about whether missing rate applies to minions as well. Could someone please confirm?
I never seen my minions miss even when the caster or it owner have that effects
Thanks! In that case, yea, I might bring Devanna instead of C.Gormek.
Yeah one minion alone works well this case because their only one target. I’ll bring Noor for the meat shields
Thank goodness I have Gobbler leveled. I have CoD as well, but not leveled. Now just need to slog through the levels.
I am ftp so I do not have a very fancy roster. Based on what I learned about the boss so far, I plan to bring:
Boldtusk - Devana - Magni - KhaganC - Gullinbursti
Boldtusk for healing and attack up;
Devana mainly for clearing minions;
Magni and KhaganC for special skill damage and other benefits;
Gullinbursti for health boost.
Hopefully this would work out for me!
Im assuming Penolite will dominate Moreau here ??
I plan to bring:
Boldtusk - Devana - Magni - KhaganC - Gullinbursti
Boldtusk for healing and attack up;
Devana mainly for clearing minions;
Magni and KhaganC for special skill damage and other benefits;
Gullinbursti for health boost.
Hopefully this would work out for me!
The minion have 3000HP at normal mode and have several of them. How hard Peno hit?
490% to minion n fiend summoners , lb with 20 emblems, 23 mana troop attack 990, opinions ?
there is a whole thread about buffs etc but no one there was 100 % sure about this topic ^^
Maybe @PlayForFun or @ferg heard about something which could enlight you here ^^
From the pic I see he summon 4 minions at a time, don’t think Peno hit hard enough to destroy them. And he hit only one target so a sniper who deal more damage works better there. A real minion destroyer is better imo.
would Kvasir help vs Moreau because of minion blocking ?
no, as the boss is immune to status effects…
can be seen here:

@sleepyhead A friend shared me this
She will most likely miss. (-50% acc)