🕵️‍♂️ End of an Era (Part 3) -- Season 4 Completion Thread

@Guvnor I think the avatars received at completion need an update :slight_smile:

Edit: done :+1:

My only question here is: Where is Kravekrush?


OK I just tried it…

@lightsmessenger the minions always hit the target, so Devana should work just fine


Absolute torture trying to find the right combo, I eventually managed it with Miki, Glenda, C.Magni, c.Viv (in cleanse mode) and Devana.

Mikis silence was resisted but a combination of his power boost and Titan banners helped a lot. With Devana there was no issue with miss. I took time freeze too, complete schoolboy error.


Okay! Tried it in hard mode, , way, wayyyy easier and quicker than normal mode, if one can believe it? Lol?

I went with green boiii for minion destroyer, he was the real mvp really, worked well with a gargoyle, then i had two cleansers/healers and a taunter for some extra damage, barely used any items!

Thank you, gobbler!


Skadi doesn’t work well here.
Grimble is prefect
i combiened Davana and Grimble but finaly use grimble only and other purple like startana and sheshat for hitting
Heimdall for health

normal mode is impossible without minions killer.


can his minions be pushed away with fiends? viscario and others fiend makers comes on my mind?
and mindnes attack is it work on him?

I tried Viscaro, was messy. Don’t recommend it.

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It took forever, but other than that didn’t have too much of an issue using Gazelle (3.70) - Devana+18 - Lughaidh+10 - cGormek+18 - Rigard+18. Only used 1 super healing potion and 2 mana pots I think. cGormek was the MVP. I’m sure Hard will be a different beast though.


Nice that you completed the stage with 3 epic heroes.

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just finished normal…! Boldtusk CB, Gormek-C, Rigard CB, Sartana-C and Seshat. only used a few health and mana potions to keep Gormek alive, but everyone survived luckily!

took a while, but was sped up dramatically by having a minion eater (Gormek-C) around!



Hard mode. Rewards.

Made a 14 pulls with the coins. As usual used all of those to level up my Brianne costume spl skills. :rofl::joy::crazy_face:
Can make 10 more pulls. I won’t do it . :pray:


good job. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


In my opinion this game drift is crazy
Where are you going SG or ZG?

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I’ve been playing for over two years, but I don’t have any minion/fiend removers. No Grimble, no Gobbler, nothing. Any ideas on how to beat this level without one?



Devana minion removal ability was the key to this fight.
Those crystals are strong.


Does somebody know if Gefjon is able to destroy his crystals sh*ts? She is my only option but I’m afraid to try it by myself (otherwise my Devana is sitting at 3/70).

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If you scroll up, other players have used Devana to complete the final stage :arrow_double_up:. GL

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Yes I know, but mine is to squishy right now because she is not maxed, actually.

@Jack.O.Kent you used Devana, what would be your advice to @Yarthan :thinking:. I don’t have Devana, but know Grimble will have fun :wink:.

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