So got some 4* I would like to put them on! Kiril kashrek both wizard, cyprian falcon both padalin.
I have 132 wizard emblems and 104 padalin emblems. Is it wise to spilt them between them? Or should I stick to one? My alliance uses purple tanks for war aswell! Any advice would be great!
For paladin, go with falcon, even if your alliance use purple tank.
Cyprian’s purpose is for the enemy to kill themselves. If you up his defense with emblems, or if is talent procs which gives him more defense, this means that the enemy will hit for less and therefore, receive less damage from the counterattack.
Also, Falcon helps all your red hero hit more, so boosting his survival is useful.
As for wizard, i don’t like either choices for emblems, so i won’t suggest one or the other i would say go with the one you use the most. If you got any wizard on the bench waiting to be leveled, you could consider waiting.
Kiril is worthy and a 5% reset cost isn’t too steep for even short term emblem benefits (assuming you get a better wizard and want to put them all there instead).
The more I think about it, the crazier it is to have maxed heroes you don’t put your available emblems on. If you had 100 for a sub par hero, put them on. You’ll make up the 5% cost to remove them in no time (the next trial) and now your sub par hero is much better until you get the better replacement.
Kiril is great though. Not sub par by any means. His jinx skill is nice as well.
I would use your wizard emblems on Kiril. He has a long shelf life, like BT.
Kash is a great 4* tank but will eventually lose his value. So I’d definitely give Kiril some of the emblems. Jinx isn’t great but it does buff damage so that’s never bad. Kiril is a tank healer that buffs damage and defense, no reason to leave those emblems sitting. He’s still a mainstay in my daily Raid, war, map game.
P.S forgot paladin. Falcon is one of a kind, definitely give him emblems. Cyp will be fine without emblems, he still does his job.
I do tend to give all my 4* at least 1 node, you’d be surprised how often it will proc with only that small % of a chance.
Good Luck whatever you choose!!
Forgot to add 2 things:
- emblems on the bench are gathering dust
Use your emblems to get new emblems
I’m thinking of attack path for falcon
And defence for kiril
Go ahead with Kiril. He is a hero you will use for a long time. I am using a +17 Kiril in my defense all the way to diamond arena. If you plan to put Kiril in your defense team, then, defense path is the obvious way.
G Falcon is the obvious choice for paladin emblem.
Yes Sir, exactly how I went too.
My vote, Kiril for wizard and G. Falcon for Paladin. As stated earlier, you want Cyprian to not be as defensive heavy because his riposte will not hit as hard.