Elkanen or Margaret?

I’m very close to being able to ascend another green. My question is elkanen or Margaret? Neither will take a spot in my main defense team, they will only be war and titan. I do have to say that if I ascend Margaret I have the emblems to take her to +9 immediately. My green titan team consists of Evelyn +8, Tarlak +8, Caedmon +19, and max little John. I’m having a hard time, what is the opinion

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Marge is the better of the two for titans. Elkanen is better in both other roles

Go for Elkanen. Go for Elkanen. Go for Elkanen.

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Without doubt Elkanen! Marge is a dead hand… many times


Given that you have Evelyn, she makes Elkanen worthwhile. With green defense down he actually does some damage!

Better answer is related to your status as a player - if you don’t do many pulls and are therefore unlikely to get anything better in next few months, then give him the tonics. But if you are likely to get anything better than these two (which is probably everyone but Atomos) then wait

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You have hotm’s, you have S2 heroes, so you are a summoner, right? Then, what’s the rush? What if you will pull Kingston in 2 weeks or later, when you’ll use your EHT’s for Halloween seasonal event?

I was going to say to wait for Kingston. You never know. You might do one pull and get him…


Thanks for the help so far guys! Actually I’m a c2p that’s spent less than 100 dollars on the game but I’ve been extremely lucky up to this point. I’ve played almost a year and grinded the map hard and completed both seasons and just been really really lucky with pulls. That being said you might be right about waiting for Kingston. I have some eht’s stored away and was thinking on using them for the Halloween event and hoping I could pull victor or Kingston. Might just wait on it and if I can’t pull Kingston then level elkanen afterward. My hotms are Evelyn, onatel, kunchen, 3x anzogh, 2x Margaret, and 2x miki

Margaret is really underwhelming, she works fine in 3/70

Horghall is not better than Elkanen

I’d say wait and see if you get Kingston in October. If you don’t, then go with Elk. He is just fine when paired with Eve

Just want to say thanks to everyone. I’m so glad y’all reminded of Kingston cause I didn’t even think about him. A new perspective is always good to have on any matter

Forgot about him, and agree. Geez, Green has got some absolute stinkers doesn’t it?

Agree with @Oriontron, wait for Kingston in 10 days. If you don’t pull him, it’s not too late to ascend elkanan afterwards.


Just wanted to say thank you to all who replied. I’m definitely waiting for Kingston. Hopefully I’ll be lucky and pull him but if not I’ll go with elkanen.

To everyone that said wait on Kingston, thank you. I pulled hum today with challenge event coins


Congratulations dude! Kingston is one of the best green :+1:

Thanks man!! I was beyond excited when I used those coins and he came up! Time to grind abs level up now

You should definitely power level him.

I’m saving some coins for halloween and some for xmas. Hopefully I’ll summon Kingston but… with only 3 coins, the odds are against me lol.

Definitely power leveling him. I just pulled finley today as well so I got a lot of work to do

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