Elf ascension help

I’ve got Lianna at 3/70 and kadilen at 1/1. Planning on getting Kingston next mth.

Only hv 2 sets of tonics. Only other green 5* is marge at 3/70

Assuming I get Kingston and ascend him, who should get the other set of tonics? Lianna or kadilen?

20x20x20x20x2p Liannas.

20 liannas before kadilen or marge

Lianna. Because dat single target damage… love it!

Tks for the replies. I just thought Lianna is similar to Kingston, so may be better to lvl a different type of hero

She is, but she is ag the same time useful. Kadilen is not useful, he (she?) is a joke.

Absolutely Lianna. No doubts about it

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