Elemental chest loot question

Hi all,

I haven’t been able to determine the answer to this by reading threads on elemental chests so thought I’d throw it out here.

Is the loot gained from an elemental chest linked to the color of the chest? I’m talking specifically about ascention materials. So if I am filling a blue chest will the higher ascention materials received be for blue heroes only?

Thanks in advance!

No, it’s random.

And not dependent on the quality of your enemies either


Not really.

The loot you get is set to a specific number of rolls.

I’ll dig something up that I wrote about this if you give me a sec

Elemental chests have ONLY ever given the following rolls:

  • 1 roll Epic Crafting Mat (3* or 4*)
  • 2 Roll Ascension Mat (3* or 4*)
  • 1 Roll Battle Item (3* or 4*)
  • 1 Roll Gems (30, 40 or 50 gems)
  • 3 Rolls tokens (Grey, ETT or EHT)
  • 1 Roll loot tickets (usually 6 i believe… maybe 3?)
  • 1 roll emblems (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50)
  • 1 roll flask (World Energy, Raid Energy or Titan Energy)
  • 1 roll trainer
  • 1 roll Atlantis Coins

So the absolute best loot that you could (theoretically) get is:
1x 4* Crafting Mat, 2x 4* Ascension Mat, 1x 4* Battle Item, 50x Gems, 3x EHT’s, 6x Loot Tickets, 50x Emblems, 1x Titan Flask, 1x 3-5* Trainer, 30x Atlantis Coins
Note - Not 100% sure if 4 or 5* Trainers have ever been received. Nor am I 100% sure that 30x Atlantis Coins is the max you could receive


Thanks everyone, that’s good to know.

Wonder if they have been nerfed? 10 measly emblems is now possible, my chest from today!

Doubt it, more likely I just missed some cause I was going from memory.

I got 50 in my last one.

I’ve gotten 10 many times, going back all the way to February.