šŸ§Ŗ Early information on the February 2025 HOTM -- Mystia [Part of The Beta Beat V73]

The soul connection can be a liability especially without DD, not that they are serious treats, but looks like she may be helping enemies Astral Elves in battlesā€¦ Unless she comes with a good passive that possibly applies DD. And another that should enhance her skills.

The healing is pathetic and could easily be dispelled.

The only great part is the red reflect!

[quote=ā€œSanjuro, post:28, topic:362551, full:trueā€]
Is soul connect denied by ailment blockers, monks clerics etc.?
[/quote]Is soul connect denied by ailment blockers, monks clerics etc.?

Buff blocker youā€™d meant, yeah skills that prevent or block buffs on enemies can block soul connections.

Welcome @dmmimarul247 to the forum!

Iā€™m looking forward pairing her with a good DD hero like Maat for events purposes

Yeah, in the absence of nothing betterā€¦should work just fine with Maā€™at for eventsā€¦needs timing though => the mana speed /skill duration differences!

I can always use some mana pots. Even so Iā€™ll be saving pots because Dolggon only fires shared damage at second charge

For event, guessing at 3/70 should be better than using Dolggon; and if you have the MAT to maxā€¦she will add better tile damage!

Good luck with the pull!

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mystia ā€“ 5* Nature / Green - February 2025 HOTM (Hero of the Month) ā€“ Initial Release

I have closed this topic as the hero is released.

Discussion can be continues here: