šŸ§Ŗ Early information on the February 2025 HOTM -- Mystia [Part of The Beta Beat V73]

I like the Copium for hoping this can be great hero for Event. I am out of touch but last I check all the ā€œsoul-connectā€ heros all come with a bonus and mainly Defense down or attack boost, this does neither and just Soul-connect.

So to use this you will have to use another hero for Defence down, essentially wasting a spot for another hitter.

But donā€™t worry I am sure she will be great, ppl that get top100 in event must all have her or burst. :rofl::rofl:

I am sure she can be used, but to consider it to be ā€œgreatā€, lol. There was a HOTM back was supposed to replace Jott and was suppose be great, poor me still using Jott and have to hold back on Titan so lol.

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How will this HOTM affect Bearnadette as a tank?

  • Mystia ensures Bearnadette tanks ā€œPaintā€ themselves into a corner.
  • Mystia only makes facing the old crone slightly more ā€œBearableā€.
  • Mystia fails in helping players ā€œBreak Freeā€ from Bearnadetteā€™s reign of tyranny.
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I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever use them against Bernadette

She fails at everything imagine being useful against a meta hero like Bernadette.

I think her making of the enemies soul connection improves Bearnadette survivability.

Perhaps I would save coins to majority summon next month.

Yes, if enemies soul connection is not removed or amend or improved with dd, Iā€™d make a distance from the summon on her days.

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May I asked why? Because from description, she seemed counter Bernadette perfectly (even dispelling is blocked).

The only challenging to me is ā€œaverageā€ speed, but Bernadette is very slow, so a chance of green-9tiles is not bad.


Is soul connect denied by ailment blockers, monks clerics etc.?

Soul Connect is considered a buff, not an ailment. Since itā€™s a positive effect for the heroes affected, it canā€™t be blocked by an ailment blocker, resisted, mana-shielded, or cleansed like an ailment.

It can be dispelled by the heroes on the same side as Mystia though, and a buff blocker like El Naddaha would stop the Soul Connect from being applied.

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My Bernadette strategy is generally mono blue. My blue team is roughly Quintin, C.Morel, Jolt, Satori, Chester (total power of 6544). Sometimes I swap Quintin out for C.Aino or 2CB.Isarnia. If I get 7 blue tiles, Bernadette is probably dead (Quintin + Morel + Jolt + Tiles).

I would never try mono green with Mystia. I suppose there is a world I do Mystia and four blues (removing Curse) hoping I get tiles in either. There is an oddity of thinking that if Iā€™m not confident I can get 7 blue tiles, 9 green tiles will be doable.

Even if Mystia helps wipe Bernadette, theyā€™re pretty much a liability for the rest of the match. Soul connecting enemies isnā€™t helpful with my team. Slow boosted health is minimal, but could add some value.

Mystia is probably a challenge event only hero for me. For many, they may not even fully ascend her. If you gave her to me today, sheā€™s not the first green Iā€™ll level, and Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™d limit break her. I have sorcerer emblems so thatā€™s doable, but may not be my food priority. So a weaker Mystia isnā€™t as helpful. I can see using her in a clean against a red hero.

I donā€™t see that many Bernadette tanks. I donā€™t expect her to be more relevant in the future. If I get her, Iā€™ll probably give her a few attempts in friendly battles to see how much of a difference she makes. But I donā€™t see her as the tank buster.


Sheā€™s gonna save me some mana pots in the place of Dolggon

I will need to use a green DD and EDD since the soul connection donā€™t have DD

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Doesnā€™t Bernadette dispells first? This makes her useless against the old lady.

My strategy is justā€¦ Loki.

She reflects the dispell too


Oh awesome. If meta heroes hadnā€™t a so short life because of stats creep, this hotm would have some value in chasing. In other hand she would be also good for events.

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Thanks for the detailed reply Ruskin!

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Passives are missing from the hero. Why?

Pain-t-ful. And you know that is so true.


Put DD or increase healing and directly and it will be a bit interesting, that way it wouldnā€™t be a total waste of items and time.

So I start reading this heroā€™s Special

Ugh. Iā€™m not a big fan of Soul Connecting my foes even when it comes with defense down (not least because many of my most effective heroes are snipers). It counts as a buff becauseā€¦ it often is a buff.

So yeah, not impressed.

Waitā€¦ what? Iā€™m waiting for the good part, this is barely a backup healā€¦


:star_struck: itā€™s reflect [color] :star_struck:

Iā€™m not even sorry: reflect [color] can be one of the best abilities in the game especially if you are PvPing uphill against monster heroes you canā€™t match. Making them blow themselves up?

yes please

Good enough that even if it means literally ā€œdoesnā€™t do much of anything else I really care about,ā€ having reflect is Worth. It.

ā€œbut, but Ahmoseā€ you might say. Sure, yeah, okay, if you have Ahmose, you might feel that this HotM doesnā€™t do much for you (other than upgun the speed of reflect, which is maybe not nothing).

Iā€¦ donā€™t have Ahmose, much less his costume, much less any 5* from Season 5 because the Season 5 portal truly detests and abhors me and has given me no reason to ever spend money on it again

So getting reflect from a HotM? Thatā€™s a first, and yes for me at least.

Sorry, Zed. I actually wouldnā€™t mind getting a Zed, but I think Iā€™m probably holding my EHTs and gempulls for February.


I can understand folks who already have reflect-red shrugging a bit, but for folks without itā€¦ reading past the rest of the Special seems indicated.

Carthago delenda est. #52RareQuestsAYear | #SlayTheDragons


Yeah, this is an interesting HOTM for sure. Even the Soul Connection for all opponents, which is usually counter-productive without an accompanying defense debuff, seems to synergize well; I love elemental reflect heroes, but because all of the reflected damage is applied to the original caster, they generally only overkill one enemy. Soul Connection ensures all enemies get hit, and reflecting 145% of the original damage should compensate for the lack of defense debuff.

Sheā€™s definitely a hard-counter to heroes like Bearnadette, Toon/Glass Azlar, Dima, etc. and should win some fights almost singlehandedly, much like those heroes do. Sheā€™s certainly a niche hero, but she should be very good within her niche and thatā€™s what I want from HOTMs primarily.