šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Styx (a.k.a. Cyclopes) Troops [Part of The Beta Beat v50]

Oh yes! Using magic troops gives defence a distinct advantage in activation speed because defence mana build up counts in decimals.

Using magic troops will expedite your defence team activation.

Say a Fast defence team:
Using magic troops => 6.66 tiles
Using mana troops => 6.95 tiles
That is already a 0.3 tile mana saving.

Throw in mana boosts from FB, Passive, Emblems, Costumes ā€¦ it can mean 1 turn less to activate.


First, it takes time to setup correct team for raid, next you realise it doesnt amount to much anyway, win or loose :slight_smile:

They really need to implement some ladder system with rewards and some recurring quests for raids and milestones, be it weekly or monthly ( become nr 1., 10, 100, be victorius 5, 10, 15 times consecutively. win 5 consecutives with all elements in diamonds, win 5 consecutives with mono in diamond,ā€¦

Currently, there is no meaning if you are best in raids or 50.000, holding to diamond arenaā€¦

Thank you for explaining! Makes sense :slight_smile:

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It would be nice for some incentive. Itā€™s just about filling the chest for me. And when Iā€™m not, Iā€™ll try different things because while the food and iron is a bonusā€¦itā€™s not a ā€œgotta haveā€.

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Sooooo many troops and it still takes millennia to level just one .


ā€¦still epic troops. I wonder when the legendary troops are comingā€¦

:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

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Thx, I have fixed it :slight_smile:

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Wow, red and dark are the only two MTs Iā€™m missing too lol

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glad i didnā€™t use etts on magic portals, till now;

3ninja 2styx for titans
5styx for raids

rest is everyone choice, but it seems that stys rainbow is gonna be the meta on defenses

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Small sample size in the poll buys itā€™s been 50-50 every time I look.

Does this mean these troops are well balanced?

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It depends on each playerā€™s troop needs/wants.

For a top tier player with full set of mana, magic, possibly ninja too, Styx troops is an upgrade on Ninja in a way.

For someone whoā€™s just starting on troops, If it was me, I would pick Magic over Styx for versatility.

You would need to drive into details if you want a more complete picture on poll results.

Did anybody already mention that the following combination:

  1. An S1 hero with double costume bonus.
  2. Level 30 Magic troop or level 27 Cyclop troop.
  3. Sorcerer/Druid/Monk at +20.

Would allow a slow hero to charge with 9 tiles and a fast hero to charge with 6?


Mana bonus in beta for 2 costumes is now same as for 1 costume, idk if that affects your calculations


Yes, this means there is no change in the above scenario compared to any hero with 5% costume bonus, and proper class and Magic troop.

Best troops remain the old fashion mana troops
They are balanced
Remember the boards are the most important
Too many heroes + too many troops = only to milk more money


It does affect. Thanks for pointing this out.

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Magic / Styx Troop = 20%
S1 C Mana bonus = 5%
Emblem mana node = 4%
Total 29% mana boost before FB, Passive etc etc

Fast = 8 tiles => 6.20 tiles
Average = 10 tiles => 7.75 tiles
Slow = 12 tiles => 9.3 tiles

Attack => 7, 8, 10
Defence => as calculated above

Indeed, and if the double costume bonus was left to be 10% (it is no longer so) then you could see that slow and fast would have reached 9 tiles and 6 tiles.

Yup. Zynga/SGG finally realised that and nerfed the S1 C-2 mana bonus.